Page 153 of The Ever Queen

“No.” Celine cast her gaze to Livia. “Why?”

I let out a heavy breath. “You’ll be too occupied with your own.”

“My own crew?” Celine tilted her head.

“Lord Hesh,” I said, voice lifted over the crowd. “Was a traitor to the Ever. He died a traitor’s death but has left the House of Blades without a lord.” I used my chin to gesture at Celine. “Or, like the House of Tides and Mists, another lady. If you agree.”

It looked as though I’d rammed a fist through Celine’s middle. She curled forward, eyes wide, lips parted. When she came about, she hurried to straighten and lift her gaze to mine. “You wish me to be . . .”

“The Lady of Blades,” Livia finished. “Yes. There is no one who fights fiercer for the Ever, Celine Tidecaller. There is no one so clever and formidable andkindas you. All attributes that would suit a new High Farer of the Ever Seas.”

“Bleeding gods.” Celine dragged her fingers through her long waves. “Are you damn certain? You know what this means?”

I scoffed. “You have a title. A house.”

“It means I’m not wearing any more damn dresses to your revels. I’ll wear whatever I please.” Celine let out a loud, piercing laugh. “It means I get to tell you when you’re being a mighty stupid king.”

“You do that anyway.”

“Ah, but now I can shout it across the council table. Same for you.” Celine pointed a finger at Gavyn.

Her brother frowned but turned away before it could shift to a grin.

“I’m assuming you accept?”

“Aye, My King.” Celine’s chin quivered. She bowed. “Thank you.”

“King Erik!” From the back line of the Ever Crew, Stormbringer shoved his way to the front.

I groaned, unwilling to stop bloodshed should Sewell attack.

“What are you doing?” Celine said, a bite to her tone.

Stormbringer ignored her, looking to me and Livia. “If it be all the same to you, King, and you, Queen, I’d like to take you up on that offer of riddin’ me of a blood bond to the royal ship.”

Unexpected. Truth be told, it wrenched a little. “You wish to remain aboard, but unbonded?”

“I been sailing the fine Ever Ship nigh twenty turns, but I’m now hoping I might sail beneath different colors, a new banner.” Stormbringer looked to Celine. “If the Lady of Blades would have a wretch as me aboard, that is.”

“Well,” Livia whispered, a smug sort of smile on her face. “I like this turn about.”

Celine’s skin flushed. She attempted to stand unmoving, as any lord or lady of a house would, but her hands gave her up—flicking and twitching at her sides.

“I’ll release you of your bond, Stormbringer,” I said. “But as for the rest, that’ll be up to the Lady of Blades.”

For half a breath, Celine studied Stormbringer’s searching eyes. Gingerly, she took his hand. “Be honored to have you aboard, Finn Stormbringer.”

They stepped back, settling beside a discomfited Sewell.

I called for the earth fae. “The Ever will always be open to you and your folk. No door will be closed, no table will not welcome you whenever you enter our seas. Mine most of all. And it is my honor to thank House Eriksson of the Alver clans—”

“Finally got it right,” Jonas muttered.

“To accept a bond as you did to defend our kingdom,” I said, throat all at once rather tight. “I hope you know it will be reciprocated. Always.”

“You should know as well.” Jonas offered a quick grin. “You’re not so bad, Bloodsinger.”