“Easy for you to say. I had to tell him about the pills last time. I thought he was going to kill me. Dammit, I don’t want to.”
“Do it,” the older, grey-haired man snapped. “Don’t puss this out. Grow some fucking balls and do your job.”
Jonas, the younger one, shook his head as he pushed his hands deeper into his pockets. Blond hair rested at his shoulders and swayed as he brought his hands up, pulling out a pack of cigarettes, too. I licked my lips, looking down at mine. Before I could stop myself, I walked forward, taking a drag as they spun to me nervously.
“Must be the place to come smoke. You both don’t mind, do you?”
My eyes were narrowed. My voice…deeper. I couldn’t control the sudden anger or authority I felt. I had no idea where it was coming from, but I didn’t fight it. The older man threw a glance at Jonas, who looked like a statue as he stared at me.
“No, Father,” he said, swallowing hard. “Feel free to join us anytime. How…are you? Remember anything yet?”
The flicker of my lids had him moving closer to the older man.
“Is there something I should know? Maybe something you want to tell me?”
That was the second person who questioned what I remembered today. Why did they seem so concerned?
“I...uh, no. I mean, I don’t know nothing. I was just curious.” Jonas’ hand was shaking as he brought the cigarette to his mouth and tried to light it. After two failed attempts, I brought my lighter up, letting the flame burn before him as he stared at it. Cautiously, he leaned forward, putting the end in the fire. “Thanks,” he rushed out.
Smoke poured out of his mouth and he exhaled hard, his body trembling as he bounced slightly on his toes.
“You look nervous. Is there a reason?” I gauged his reaction, but he wouldn’t look at me.
“Just cold. I should really be getting home. Thanks for the light.” He threw me a quick glance but went to the older man. “See you later, Jeff.”
“Call me.”
I turned my attention to Jeff as Jonas walked away at a fast pace. I didn’t recognize him more than anyone else, but he seemed calmer around me.
“I heard someone did quite the number on you. Surprised you even made it from the injuries I heard you had. In a coma for three months. No one thought you’d ever wake up.”
My jaw tightened and I flicked the butt of the cigarette to the ground. “Doesn’t seem like it would matter either way. I don’t have any family. I can’t remember shit. I don’t know who I am. I can’t even do my duties as a priest. Tell me how that’s better than dying? I have no one. Nothing.”
What looked to be sympathy edged into the man’s aged features and it had my anger growing. I hadn’t said that for his fucking pity. It was just a fact.
“That’s not true. You have more than you know.”
“Like what?” I laughed, sarcastically. “Faith? Sorry, but I don’t have that either.” I regretted the words as soon as they left me. Something about the statement twisted my stomach in knots. It was my bitterness talking. I’d been lost for too long. Fighting demons that begged me to do things no sane man would dare think about.
“You have a place,” he said quietly. “A cottage up in the mountains. But I didn’t tell you that.” He took a step back and turned, beginning to walk away. The shock held me still for only a moment before I jogged to catch up to him. Flashes blinded me for only a moment, but they didn’t register.
“Wait. Where?”
Jeff stopped, glancing around. “Get on the main road and head that way through town,” he said, pointing. “The road will go back for a bit before it forks. Take the right. After a few miles, you’ll come to a dirt road. Your place is the only one on it. But like I said…you didn’t hear it from me.”
I let him walk away. A million questions raced through my mind and I tried to imagine what the cottage would look like. I pictured rustic. Old, buried in trees. But in truth, I had no idea. One thing was clear. I was going. Maybe it would give me the answers I was seeking.
Who was Chase Harrison really?
Chapter 3
It wouldn’t be long before darkness overtook me. The further I got, the more the sun went down. The chill was becoming worse by the minute and I couldn’t stop myself from trembling—in fear and the frigid temperature. As I scanned the buildings, I began to move faster, my heart slamming in my chest. I hated being exposed. The bloody man kept coming back in my thoughts and I knew I needed to try to get him help—fast.
A closed bakery came into view and I passed it almost groaning. At the sight of McIntyre & Associates, my feet came to an abrupt stop. The building was dark. Closed. A small sound left my lips and I glanced behind me, too afraid to go back to my car. Why wasn’t Rory reachable? Why couldn’t I get ahold of him?
I pulled out my phone, pushing in the number on the door. A generic answering machine message came on and I let my words tumble out. “Rory, this is Kit. I’m here in Untold. I’m worried. I…saw something. I think I’m in trouble. Please, call me.” I hung up, hating having to put the phone back in my pocket. I wanted him to answer it. To put my fears at ease.