“Hold on, Kody.”

Jase had my hand again, trying to speak, but I heard nothing but that my friend could be in trouble.

“I want to leave. I won’t let them take her.”

Rian’s hands shot up. “Whoa, no one is taking her. She’s fine. She’s good. I have Rush watching over her now.”

“Rush?” Jase groaned. “You told him?”

“I didn’t have a choice. I’ve been busting my ass trying to figure out this email thing. I thought I was discovering something when the alerts went off. He was closer than me. Her safety came before your secrets. We can trust Rush, Jase. You know that.”

“Can we? Have you seen Tiffany?”

Rian’s defensiveness melted.

“She’s his type and you know it. Hell, she’s both your type. Have you ever thought about that? I can trust you not to cross the line. Rush is another story altogether.” Jase shook his head, following me to stand. “I’m taking Kody out to the balcony to calm her down. Call your brother. Get him to bring her here for the night. It’s time we figure out a safe situation for everyone.”

“I already have. They’re already headed to our place.” At Jase’s look, Rian finally stood. “She’ll be safe with us. That’s final, my friend. It’s not up for debate. You have Kody to focus on. You don’t need two women to drive you crazy. Tiffany will be safe with us. We’ll take good care of her.”

Chapter 25


I could have throttled Rian for breaking the news to Kody like that. It was bad enough her friend was in danger. Now she had to see Rian’s possessive side as well? He hadn’t lied when he said we were alike. Protectiveness was ingrained in who we were. When it came to women we deemed important, they were ours to protect, and ours alone. If he was into Tiffany, he had one hell of a battle coming up against his brother. Rush may have been the ultimate playboy, but he’d been serious with a woman once before. It wasn’t him who’d run from that relationship. April wasn’t one to be tamed. Not even by Rush’s rugged good looks and charm. It was a disaster in the making, and no doubt the reason he was so guarded now.

“I want to talk to Tiff. Right now.”

“And you can, but not like this. She doesn’t need to hear you so upset. Let them get situated while we get you some fresh air.” My arm came around Kody, but my eyes shot daggers to Rian. I wasn’t the only one. Kody was extremely concerned over her friend. The way she held a death glare, I quickly pulled her closer. She didn’t need safeguarding. She wasn’t very happy with me either and that was evident with the look she threw me. “Rian, we’ll talk about this later. Listen out for the door, will you? Dinner should be here any minute.”

He gave a nod but stayed silent as I led Kody out. Darkness met us, and the wind was chilly as it whipped around.

“Kody, I know you’re upset, but talk to me.” The glow from the city illuminated her angry face beautifully. Kody’s eyes wouldn’t stay connected to mine as she crossed her arms over her chest and stared into the distance. How had the night gone so wrong? We’d gone from spanking, to stalking, to scheming in less than an hour. Damn Rian for latching to Tiffany. I knew it was a possibility due to her looks and outgoingness, but I hadn’t prepared for the reaction he’d given me. The eyes didn’t lie, and his told me everything. This was more than him doing me a favor. She appealed to him, and Rian was persistent when he wanted something. Now Rush was getting to know her too? “Kody?”

“Be brutally honest with me, Jase.” Light eyes angrily came to mine. “Should I worry about what I heard in there?”

My lips pressed together, but I couldn’t deny the truth. “Rian is a good guy. He’d never hurt her. If I sounded worried, it’s not for your friend. It’s for mine. Rush…he’s been hurt before. Really badly. Rian too. When they fall for a woman, they fall. My biggest fear is that they might just fall for the same one. You know Tiffany better than anyone. You tell me, should I worry?”

Her face softened and her lips parted as she turned back to the city.

“I don’t like this. Any of it. Tiffany, she’d never intentionally hurt anyone.”

“But she’s not about commitment, is she?”

Kody’s head shook. “She was married once. It didn’t end well.”

“Rian will see that as a challenge. It might not even dawn on him, but he’s a fixer. If he’s as interested as I think he might be, her damage will appeal. He’ll be…” I stopped, twisting my lips.

“He’ll be nice to her? Patient? Sweet?”

“Yeah.” I pulled Kody in, cupping her face as I leaned in to brush my lips with hers. “He’ll be all that and more. I can’t think of that now though; I have you. We may not like this, but they’re adults. They can handle themselves. And she’s in good hands. She’s just as safe as if she were here with us. Maybe this is a good thing. Let’s see what happens.”

“I still don’t like it. If one of them hurt her…”

I pressed my lips harder into hers, sweeping my tongue into her mouth so that I could taste her. I couldn’t resist another second after earlier. I could still hear her moans. Still feel her tightening around my fingers as she came. I needed her. Wanted her.

“I’ll kick their ass myself. But if she hurts one of them—”

Fingers from her good hand weaved through my hair as Kody cut me off, kissing me deeper.