“Keller’s Peak? I finished it the other night. It was okay. I expected there to be more action.”

“How so?”

I shrugged, taking a sip of my beer. “Winston’s been searching for Dorian for two books already. All we get is a lousy chase scene through a train station? No fight scene? No heated exchange? I don’t know. I guess I just expected more.”

“What about Winston’s run-in with Daisy?”

I groaned but smiled. “You call that a love scene? I’ve seen more chemistry in Disney movies.”

“Right! I was hoping I wasn’t the only one who was like, ‘what the hell’. Complete let down. I was so angry by the time I finished, I’m not even sure I’ll get the next book.”

“You will. We both will.” I smiled, glancing to Jase, but returning to Rian. “You’ll have to know what happens next. Authors can’t have winners every time. Besides, poor Jean Laslow’s going through a divorce. The personal issues are clearly showing in her writing. Give her time to grieve. When she comes back, she’ll hit the next book out of the park.”

Standing, I headed for the kitchen, pausing a few steps in to turn and glance back at them. I couldn’t do small talk right now. As much as I was impressed with Rian, I just couldn’t get myself to engage like a normal person. That didn’t mean I wouldn’t try.

“Jase has made sure I have plenty of party trays—”

“She’s a picky eater.”

“I am. I’m opening the crackers and salami until the food gets here. I’m hungry and I refuse to wait. If anyone wants some, I’ll be at the table.”

Rian surged to his feet as Jase threw him a look.

“What? I like salami.”

“That better be all you like.”

I barely caught the words as I continued forward. Their bickering reminded me of me and Tiff and it made me smile. I slowed, pausing just before I reached the refrigerator.

“Oh, she’s thinking something.”

“Rian, are you going to narrate her every move?”

“I’m just making an observation.”

I pulled open the fridge, grabbing the tray. My thoughts revolved around my best friend. If they were going after Jase this badly, would they go after her too just to get to us? We were all connected one way or another. Was she okay? Would she be okay?

“I’m sorry. Did I upset you?”

My gaze lifted to Rian at his sincere tone. “No. Not at all. Sorry, I just…I have a lot on my mind.”

I placed the tray down, sliding into my seat. Jase eased into the chair next to me, picking up my injured hand as I reached for the food with the other.

“He’s right. It’s more than worry. Would you like to tell me what you’re thinking?

I grabbed a cracker as I shook my head. “It’s fine. I’m just processing. I.” I pursed my lips as I looked towards his desk where my new phone sat. “I’m sorry, I just got a really bad feeling. If you’ll both excuse me; I think I’m going to call Tiff. I don’t like these new developments, and I’m worried about her.”

“She’s fine. She’s already in for the night.”

My head tilted as I stared at Rian’s sobered face. Even Jase had his eyes narrowed.

“You’re watching Tiffany?” I went between both men, trying to read them. What didn’t I know? Something was clearly not right.

“I asked Rian to check in on her occasionally. I know how much she means to you.” Jase turned to his friend. “And she’s okay?”

“Well.” He hesitated. “I’ve been watching her more the last week or so. I’ve noticed some unusual inquiries on her account. An increase in friend requests from random strangers. They’re all coming from the same IP address. I don’t like it.”

I found myself standing before he could finish the last words. “I have to go. I—”