As he walked away, I closed the distance to Jase.

“How bad is it? I want to see the pictures.”

“You don’t.”

“I do.”

“Kody.” He closed his eyes, running his hand down his face. “Trust me, you don’t want to see them. Nothing good will come of that. I’m sorry. This is my fault.”

I cringed, imagining the worst as I lowered my voice. “Your friend didn’t…?”

“No. Just me.”

“Okay. How do we get rid of everything? Is it possible?”


It took me a second to nod. My heart was racing, and I felt sick.

“I don’t think so. Can we stop them from getting out? Doubtful, but possibly. Can we make them disappear completely? I think that’s out of the question at this point. Once it makes it to the internet, it never completely disappears. He could have sent or stored them anywhere. I’ll try my best, but it’s not looking good.”

My head lowered.

“No.” His fingers pushed through my hair as he cupped the side of my neck. “I know this sounds bad, but I’m going to fix it. Look at me.”

Although my eyes rose, my head didn’t.

“You can do better than that. Show me your fighter. I’ve seen her before. Head up, doll.”

Tears pooled, but I obeyed, forcing all emotion back. I wouldn’t worry about this now. Jase said he’d try to fix it. I had to trust him.

“There she is. Just like that.”

I nearly moaned as his grip tightened and his thumb traced over my lower lip. When my teeth gently bit into the pad of his thumb, he cursed, dropping his hand and stepping back.

“You’re trouble.”

“Are you sure you didn’t mean, you’re in trouble?”

“Should you be?”

I shrugged. “Maybe. We can talk punishments later.”

Forcing a smile, I turned just as Rian walked up, handing me a beer and Jase a water. One glance. That’s all I gave to Jase before I took a sip and headed for the velvet chaise next to the covered glass. From my peripheral, both men’s gazes followed, but I focused on sitting before my legs failed me. Regardless of tough talk, I couldn’t control the shaking that seemed rooted in my bones. We were in trouble—plain and simple. The last thing I cared about was my nude body being blasted on the web. These men knew where we were. They knew about Jase. We were in over our heads, and I wasn’t sure there was a way out that kept us alive.

“Drink, don’t drool, my friend. It’s not very becoming of you.”

“Shut up, Rian.”

“I’m enjoying this. Give me my glory and take my shit-talking.”

“I’ll take you to the door if you keep this up.”

I faked another smile as I glanced back their way. It felt melted to my face. Too forced. Too simulated.

“I can hear you both, you know.”

“Yeah, I figured as much.” Rian shrugged, his perfect smile transitioning his sharp features into nothing short of dreamy. He pushed back the dark hair that was no longer than to the top of his defined cheekbones, somehow softening the expression. It had my own smile turning genuine, and my anxiety receding. “Ah! Got it. I knew she was in there.” He walked over, sitting at the other end of the chaise as he angled towards me. “I hear you’re a reader. Let’s see about that. Have you read Laslow’s newest?”