“They could have brought it up. The bakery would have delivered.”

“What did your therapist say? I know there’s danger we have to be aware of, but you can’t keep yourself locked away in here. It’s not good for you.”

“You do. Besides, I feel better inside.”

My eyes narrowed. She no doubt had picked up things from my own conversation with Rian.

“You’re safe with me. And yes, I isolate myself. I was just reminded that it’s not good for me either. We need to get out for more than five minutes. An actual restaurant that’s safe will do us both good.”

“No new clothes.”

“There’s a dress code. If you don’t want to honor it, we’ll find somewhere else.”

“With privacy?”

For seconds I took in her determination. It wasn’t just a question. She was putting her foot down, and there was no way she was going to budge.

“You’re getting worse.”

“I am not.”

I pointed to the hall, watching as she kept her gaze on my face. “Go get dressed.”

“Where are we going?”



“You have one minute to be in that room.”

Kody’s spine straightened and she stood taller. “Or you’ll do what?”

She wasn’t afraid. She was waiting for this. Brat.

No response. No hesitation. I dipped low, throwing her over my shoulder. When my palm connected with her ass, Kody’s yell echoed from the walls. Her good hand flattened on my lower back, and she tried to push herself up, but lost her hold as I brought my hand down again. And again. Her good fist pounded into my back, but I barely paid it attention as I stomped to her room.

“Are you going to get dressed or do you need more?” She sniffled and pushed her legs against the hold I had barred over them. “I asked you a question?”

“You spanked me.” Kody sobbed. “I’m not some child.”

“You’re acting like one. Do you need another?”

The silence nearly had me closing my eyes. She was conflicted by this new predicament. Even embarrassed, but she liked it. Me…I liked it a hell of a lot more. It’s why I knew I needed to stop while I was ahead. She was fragile. I couldn’t overdo it with her. I wouldn’t let her run all over me either. We needed to meet in the middle.

“I take that as a no.” I slid Kody down my body, holding her so that she was level with my face. New tears were already sliding down her cheeks, but her eyes had never been clearer.

“I can’t believe you did that. You really spanked me.”

“I did, and I’ll do it again if you deserve it.”

Her bottom lip poked out, only for her to surprise me by hesitantly leaning forward to press her lips into mine. “Can I have another?” She swallowed hard. “Please?”

“The others weren’t enough?”

Again, her lips met mine, but I didn’t kiss her back.

“I can take more. I want more.” She got quiet. “Will you do it again?”