“You’ve had enough.”

“No. I don’t think I have. Jase…”

When I didn’t spank her, her shoulders curled in. “Fine. You said I would cry.” Another hesitant kiss. “Is this what you meant? Does the pleasure come next?”

Did I answer? Did I bend her over the bed and show her ass the attention it deserved?

“Rian will be here soon. Now is not the time to discuss this.”

“Tonight, then?”

Fingers pushed through my hair, gripping securely as Kody continued to try to get me to kiss her back. It was pure torture not to react.

“We’ll talk when the time is right. If that’s tonight, we’ll discuss it then. Right now, you need to get dressed.”

“And if I fight you a little more instead?”

Dammit she knew how to get me riled up.

“Then I make you wait even longer.” I licked my lips, not able to stop myself from getting lost in her eyes. There was so much emotion. Mystery. I wanted to know what she was thinking. Would she accept my lifestyle once she learned more? Would it be too much? It was one thing to get spanked. Quite another to be strapped to a St. Andrews cross to confront and embrace your pain threshold.

“Jase. Please…” Her voice grew quiet. “Don’t do that to me. I’ve already waited long enough. Please.”

I lowered her feet back to the ground, but I didn’t let go as her hand darted out and grabbed to my shirt. The way she called my name. The downright desperation as she stared up at me, waiting, needing...She wasn’t being a brat anymore. Her words were genuine, and they were finding their way around my rules. That was dangerous for the dominant in me.


Before I could stop myself, I jerked at the button of her jeans, forcing them down to her thighs before shoving my hand in her panties. Wetness had me holding to her tighter as I rubbed circles over her slit.

“You don’t need to ask for pain when you want me to get you off. I’ll do that for free.”

“I…I wasn’t. I want the pain. I want both.”

“You’re not just asking for spankings because you know I like it?”

Kody jerked against my arms, angrily, showing me the truth as I drew her back in even closer.

“You do like it.” I slid my finger, surging into her entrance as Kody’s nails clawed into my chest, through my shirt.

“I wouldn’t lie about something like that. Am I not wet for you? I want you to do it more often. Maybe other things too. I’ve been thinking. I want—”

“You want a lot. Is this what you need?”

I brought my hand down over her ass. She cried out, her pussy clutching around me tightly. Faster, I thrust, pounding into her before spanking her again. I eased in another digit causing Kody to spread her legs wider as I added pressure with my palm, over her clit.

“Yes. Just like this, Jase. This is good.”

“Let me make something very clear right now. You’re not going to get your way by defying me. Being a brat will only get you so far. Next time I tell you to do something, you’re going to do it. Do you hear me?”

The moans were continuous as I kept the steady rhythm. Kody went to answer, gasping instead as her hand trailed down my shirt. When it stopped over my stomach, she added pressure, pushing her fingertips in. What she was insinuating was obvious. She wanted to do so much more than what I was allowing…and so did I.


“You didn’t answer me.”

“I hear you. I’ll be good. I’ll try.”

“You’re going to do more than try.”