Tiffany’s lips pulled back into a soft smile, and she headed for Kody, carrying what looked to be tea. I found myself standing as I walked closer.

Why hadn’t she told her friend what I’d done?

“Are you sure you don’t want me to stay here for a few days until you’re better? I don’t mind, really. I can’t stand that you’re going to be here alone.”

“Tiff, it’s been almost two weeks—

“Twelve days, Kody. And that’s because we had to convince you to stay at the hospital for the last two days.”

“Because I’m fine. It’s rough with my hand, but it gets easier every day. I’m going to have to get used to it anyway. Besides, I’m all the way across the city from work. I’m okay. I told you, I’ll wait for you to get here before I go places. I can order food or grocery delivery. I’ll be fine.”

“I don’t mind making the trip. You do it every day. It’s not a big deal. I want to be here for you.”

“I know you do but staying here won’t work. You sleep until the very last minute you’re able. You hate waking up early. You hate traffic. Besides…I want to be alone. I haven’t had a good night’s sleep since I was taken. The nurses were in nonstop to check on me. I’m dying to be back in my own bed. If you’re here, all I’ll do is worry. I need silence and peace so I can work this stuff out in my mind. I’m begging you, Tiff.”

The friend gave her a concerned look, but it ultimately turned into understanding as she nodded. Was Kody the type of person who worried a lot?

“Fine. But you know I don’t need you to play host for me. I know where the food is. I know where the towels are. I can take care of myself. I’d even battle traffic for you and wake up early. Better be glad I love you or else I’d be moving in. You need your space. I get it. Just promise to call—”

“If I need anything. I know.”

A pained look took over the friend’s face. “I’m not sure you do. It is okay to ask for help, Kody. You don’t have to be strong all the time. You take care of everyone but yourself. You know I’m right. You do it at work. You used to do it with your mom. It’s my turn to take care of you. I’m serious. Call me the moment you need something. Even if it’s someone to hold you while you sleep. I got you.”

Kody forced something close to a grin. “I know you do. I love you too, and I will. I’ll call if I need you.”

“Okay. Now come lock the door behind me.”


She laughed. “Someone has to keep Greg in line. I’ll come back for dinner. How does that sound?”

Silence reigned as Kody followed her to the door. “Maybe tomorrow. I think today I’m just going to order in and get as much sleep as I can.”

“But you’ll call?”

The door opened, but Tiffany didn’t walk through until Kody agreed. “Yes.”

“Okay.” She cocked her head. “Tomorrow. Dinner. Seven.”

“It’s a date. Have a good day at work, Tiff. Tell everyone I said hello.”

“I’ll do that. You have sweet dreams. Call me when you eat dinner, so I know you’re actually eating.”

Kody’s eyes rolled teasingly. “I’ll call.”

The door shut, and Kody set the locks, heading straight towards me. I turned for my laptop, pushing buttons for access into her device. She pulled out the chair to the desk, bringing the desktop to life. Her face was hard. If there was emotion, I couldn’t detect it. Not that I had been able to the last few days. Something had happened while I was at the hospital meeting with Jean, and I didn’t think it was the church boy I’d run off. Something made her stop talking to me. It shut her down. I couldn’t stand not knowing. Worse, I couldn’t stand her not talking to me.

“David. David.” The search engine appeared on my screen, and I watched her begin typing.

Man dead David. She blinked, furrowing her brow as she searched her thoughts, adding Farmington, Sonora.

As the results came up, she scrolled through each one, looking for David’s death. I let her get through three pages as I caressed my keys. Did I tell her? Should I show her what she was looking for? What was the reason behind her search? Fear? Lack of trust on my part?

Another page.

I took in a deep breath, studying the determination on her face. She didn’t deserve to suffer a second longer. And she clearly was by not seeing the proof for herself.

I took control of her mouse, highlighting the words. Kody’s gaze narrowed before her lips parted in surprise. Or was that fear?