Body found of David Vickers Copperopolis, California

Hitting enter, I pulled up the images so she could see the photos that had been released. A tear escaped as she took control and clicked on the old mug shot of him, they’d used for the article. The story had her leaning in as she read. I didn’t need to go over it again. My brain was burned with everything there was on the sick bastard. And the cops were discovering his true identity this very second thanks to me. They didn’t know that. As far as they were concerned, it was from an anonymous source. An untraceable one.

“It’s true.” She wiped the tear, taking a deep breath. “Thank God. Thank…you.” She got quiet, biting her lip. For a good minute she didn’t speak. Instead, she clicked the back button, returning to the search bar.

I wasn’t sure you really existed. I think…I thought. She stopped, erasing it. Thank you.

Did I say, ‘you’re welcome’? Did I tell her she didn’t need to type; I could hear her? That I could talk to her over her mic if she wanted? My mind raced just communicating with her. I’d seen the pictures before her beating. She was beautiful. Gorgeous, but not in the sense most would see. There was a uniqueness to her looks which made her stand out. And she was good. She always had been. But not me. Did she think I killed him for her out of generosity? Out of the goodness of my heart? She’d be wrong if she did. The real truth was more like greed—an agenda—her.

I clicked the bar, typing. Of course.

Is there something I can call you? A name?

She waited…and so did I. The truth was impossible, but I wasn’t one to lie. I bit my lip, not missing a single micro-expression on her face as she waited.

You don’t have to tell me, she typed. I understand. She brought her light-colored eyes right to the camera as she continued. How are you doing this?

My fingers punched in the keys. It’s not as hard as you think.

Kody’s head lowered through my words.

I won’t lie when I say that what you’re able to do scares me. Will you be watching all the time?

Scared. She should be scared.

Until I know you’re okay.

I’m o—

I cut off her ability to type, but not mine.

“You can lie to your friend, but you won’t lie to me. You’re not okay. Until you are, I’ll continue to be here.”

Chapter 10


There’d been a time when I allowed men to tell me what to do. So much so, I’d lost myself to one. When he left me for another woman, it almost destroyed me. Not that I could compare the murdering savior on my computer to George, but I promised I’d never find myself in that situation again. This man…although I missed talking to him, I didn’t know him. Yes, he saved my life, but over the last few days, I also let the truth sink in. This stranger killed a person. A bad person, but one, nonetheless. I should be afraid. I should be calling the detectives.

My eyes rose to the webcam at the top of my monitor.

I wouldn’t do that.

Despite that I knew it was wrong, I couldn’t imagine how terrified I’d be if David was alive. I may have still been rattled inside, but I wasn’t breaking to pieces at the thought of him coming back. Not now anyway. David was dead, and I had this stranger to thank for it. If it wasn’t for him…

I shuddered. Maybe he was a monster too. Maybe he was just as bad as David. Truth was, I couldn’t force myself to believe it. He was there for me during the torture. There for me in the hospital. He was with me when I was at my worst. His words reassured me. Not to mention, he’d risked his life to save mine. He had his chance to take me, kill me, rape or beat me. He didn’t. All I knew was the protector, and for the moment, I was okay with that. I was safe. I oddly felt safer that he was watching over me. We even shared something—blood. David shed mine, and he stopped the course of David’s. We were connected.

Again, I looked at my webcam.

“Can you hear me?” I pushed the chair back from the desk, drawing my broken hand up to cradle at my chest. “I know you can see; you mentioned my friend. You can probably do both. Am I right?”

I stared at the search box, waiting.

“I can hear you.”

I jumped at the deep voice that echoed through my speakers. I wasn’t very tech savvy, and from the small chuckle, he noticed.

“You should have said something before.”