More, I nodded, almost unable to stop as the nurse took in the large monitor not feet away. “Detectives, you’re going to stay, right? Someone will stay until you find him?”

“There’s an officer just outside your door. The hospital has excellent security. You have nothing to worry about.”

“You will find him, won’t you?”

“We’re doing everything we can. The name and description was a great start. Without a general location, it’ll be hard. You don’t remember anything about where he took you besides the room?”

The nurse cleared her throat in a stern warning, but I continued as she pushed something into my IV.

“To help you calm, Ms. Marshall.”

But I didn’t barely hear her voice. I kept going, needing to get out what I knew. “I was walking back to my apartment when he put something over my nose and mouth. I awoke, tied up, in the back of an SUV. It was older, I think. He drove for what felt like hours. I was passed out when we got there. I think I remember him giving me something on one of the stops. A needle in my arm maybe? All I know is that when I woke up, I was on a metal table. That’s when he started torturing me.”

“That’s what you told us yesterday before the surgery. That’s all for today. Why don’t you get some rest? We’re going to do our best to find the person who did this to you.”

My mouth opened to ask a million more questions, but my stomach was too busy twisting to argue. The nurse placed her hand on my shoulder, and I nodded that I was okay. Once I started, I couldn’t stop. All I could do was bob my head like a jack-in-the-box as all three of them left.

“I feel like I’m going to be sick. Oh, God. Help me. I don’t think I can…I can’t—”

Ringing sounded through the room. Hesitantly, I reached forward with a trembling hand, picking it up.


“You’ve had a rough day. Your charts look good. Not great, but better than I expected.”

For seconds I couldn’t speak. The battle in my brain was all too real. I knew that voice as if it were imprinted into my very being. “You’re him. You…” My hallucinations came back. Or maybe they weren’t hallucinations at all? I was so confused, even now as the medication kicked in making me feel groggy. “Are you going to kill me?”

“I saved you. Why would I kill you?”

My eyes closed while I trapped myself in the darkness. “I don’t know why I asked that. Thinking is impossible. But I remember now. You said you would save me.”

“And I did.”

“Then, it was you in the woods. I…What happened? Will David come back for me? Will he find me?”

“Didn’t I tell you I’d keep you safe? I promised, Kody. I keep my word.”

Heartbeats increased in my chest, and I wasn’t sure what I should think. I trusted no one. Hadn’t I even pulled back from my childhood best friend? There was something about this man’s voice. I oddly trusted the tone as if it were part of who I was. The sound relaxed me. It made me feel protected. How could I trust him? I knew nothing about this man. It didn’t make sense.

“Who are you?”

A pause. “I’m no angel, but I’m the one who answers when you call out to God.” Another pause. “He’s dead, Kody. David will never hurt anyone else again. That’s all you need to know for now. Get some sleep. We’ll talk soon.”

Chapter 7


Kody could undergo pain. Discomfort was expected. Having her afraid was not going to work for me. Not one bit. After everything she had been through, I was not going to allow her another ounce of anxiety when I knew there was no reason for her to have it. David was dead. I’d made sure of that. It was only right she knew that too.

“I truly can’t thank you enough, Jean. If anyone would understand, I knew it would be you.”

The feminine, soft tone returned through my speaker as I glanced at the clock. “Of course, Mr. Colter. Your donations to the hospital are very much appreciated. We’re only happy we can help in such a small way. Ms. Marshall is already on her way to our VIP wing. We will gladly make sure she is well cared for.”

“And guarded. It’s important to me that she feel protected. After what I’ve heard she’s been through, she needs that. I want one officer outside her door and one at every entrance to that floor. If she leaves that room, she needs to see that she’s okay.”

“I relayed your concerns to the staff after our initial conversation. They’re already waiting for her.”

My main monitor flashed, changing views as I went from the elevator Kody was on to VIP. Jean was right. The officers were ready and waiting.