“Great. Thank you. I’ll swing by soon for a visit.”

“I look forward to it, Mr. Colter.”

I hung up, watching as the elevator opened and a nurse and officer exited with Kody. Not a half hour ago I called Jean, the head of the hospital’s board. Their response was immediate. They hadn’t even hesitated at my request to have Kody moved to VIP. After the years of me pouring out millions to them, I knew they wouldn’t.

“Closest to the nurse’s station. That’s right.” My whisper followed them towards the door directly across the counter. Relief sank in as Kody’s head turned to take in the uniformed officer waiting for her. He nodded in her direction, and her lips pulled back on the side just enough to pass as a reassuring smile. I hit the keyboard, unmuting and switching my view to her room. A new nurse walked in as the officer at Kody’s side excused himself. Within seconds, my girl stood and was helped into bed. Kody was cautious with her injured hand as she rested against the pillows, bringing it close to her chest while she winced in pain.

“There we go, Ms. Marshall. The medication should be kicking in again soon. Is there anything else I can get you?”

“No, thank you.” Her good hand slightly lifted. “Actually, I’m a little embarrassed to say I didn’t see what floor we got off on. Can you tell me where I am? I’d like to call my friend, so she doesn’t get upset that I’ve changed rooms.”

“If you’re referring to your contact, Tiffany Welsh, I believe she’s already been notified.”

“Oh.” Kody glanced around at the lavish decor. She appeared to have a moment of confusion. Almost suddenly uncomfortable as her stare locked onto the television that was twice the size of the one in her old room. When she peered at the screen, she looked at me, not breaking her gaze as her words mumbled. “I guess that’s it. Thank you.”

The nurse nodded, shutting the door behind her as she left. I sank into my couch, watching as eyes stayed locked toward mine. Kody had me immobile as she stared at her blank tv monitor. I was just as much in a trance as her. Somewhere deep down I knew her medication was kicking in, but my reaction had nothing to do with a drugged state. She was doing this to me, and I was allowing it to happen. Maybe I even wanted to lose myself to the idea of owning her. Needing her. Killing for her. She gave me purpose. I hadn’t had that in as long as I could remember, and I needed it. Selfishly, I needed her.

As Kody kept her stare forward, her hand lifted to trace over the swelling and bruises on her face. So, that’s what she was doing: looking at her reflection. She really did look rough. Fuck, she looked like hell. There was barely a patch of skin on her face that wasn’t a violent shade. Black, purple, dark green. Gauze covered the side of her forehead where that motherfucker split open her skin. My poor Kody. She had a long way to go to recover. Probably even weeks more of bruising before her face was back to normal.

“God?” Her head quickly shook. “Ridiculous. As if he can see me like in the dungeon.” She glanced around the room, multiple expressions transforming her face. “Can you…see me? No. I’m losing my mind. That’s what it is. I don’t know what’s real or not anymore. I can’t even think on this stupid medication.” A deep breath left her, and she leaned back against the elevated top half of the bed. Again, she looked around. “God…if you are here…ugh.”

“What? Just say it, doll. What are you thinking in that mind of yours?”

Kody yawned, growing quiet again. Minutes went by as I hoped she’d say more, but she didn’t. She stared ahead, silent, still. Just as she was starting to doze off, her door opened and two younger women wearing scrubs walked in with their hands full. I knew them immediately from the employees on shift. Both were nurse aides, assigned to the floor.

“Flowers, Ms. Marshall. Lots and lots of flowers.”

Kody sat up. “For me?”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

“From who?”

They placed the bouquets along the window just as a younger male and an older woman from the church volunteer group came through with more.

“People who’ve heard your story. You’re all over the news.”

She mouthed the word, news, unease making her shift as she looked down to her injured hand. The new flowers were placed down, and Kody turned, her legs sliding over the side of the bed as she took hold of the IV stand.

“Can I go see them?”

The nurse aide closest helped Kody off the bed, staying by her side as she made her way towards the window. There were multiple vases of roses, tulips, daisies, and even a peace lily. The shades of flowers were bright against the clean, crisp neutral tones of the room. As she made her way down each one, she took the cards attached. It was the letters Kody gasped at when the nurse aid handed them over.

“These were sent as well. Why don’t we get you back in bed so you can look at them?”

“I am pretty shaky. Thank you.”

Kody reached, running her finger down one of the roses before she turned. Once the nurse aide had her back in bed, Kody fiddled with the opened envelopes on her lap until they all left, but she didn’t read any of them. Her stare went back to the flowers, and then back around the room. When her shoulders curled in and she sniffled, my head angled to try to get a better look at her face.

“Don’t cry. Come on, now.” My head shook as I forced myself from the couch, back to my laptop. I wasn’t sure what was worse, witnessing her fear or sadness. Both ate at me in their own way, and I wasn’t sure what to think of that.


My eyes rose to the large monitor across the room so I could see her on the bigger screen, but I didn’t project my voice so she could hear me.

“Tell me.”

“I don’t know if I can do this.”