My head shook even though she couldn’t see me, only to nod as I groaned through the truth.

“Yeah. They did. They just can’t get to me. They found me though. They took some very…” I stopped.

“Took what? Kody, you have to clue me in. At this point, I’m freaking out. Who are these people? What is happening? Where are you?”

“I’m still in the city.” I sat on the edge of the bed. “I don’t even know where to start.”

Footsteps sounded over the phone, and I knew Tiffany was walking somewhere.

“How about you start out with who this man is that took me. How do you know him?

I closed my eyes seeing Rian’s face.

“His twin is here. His brother is friends with Jase.”

“Jase? Who’s Jase?”

My throat seemed to close as I looked for the right words. There was so much I couldn’t say. Things no one could ever know.

“Kody? Who’s Jase?”

“He’s the man who’s helping me.”

“Helping…or is it more than that?” At my hesitation she let out a sound. “It is! Are you falling for him? Have you—”

“No. No. Not exactly. There’s something. I’m just not sure yet what it is. I know what I’d like it to be, but we’re still getting to know each other.”

“You’ve been there for weeks. You don’t know him by now?”

“It’s complicated. I mean, I do, but he’s very private. He sort of has to be. He’s been through a lot. Like me.”

“Is he hot?”


“What? I can ask. Given who just had me in ropes, I’m entitled to ask. Holy hell’s angels. I do believe you sent me the devil.”

“They’re plentiful amongst these men. Trust me.”

She gasped. “So he is hot. Who is he? What does he do? Is he some sort of investigator or something? A cop? FBI?”

“No. Nothing like that. He.” Again, I grew quiet.”

“Kody, don’t do that to me. Come on. You can’t leave me hanging like this.”

“Okay. Well, he’s sort of the reason you’re taken right now. His friend, Rian, Rush’s brother—”

“Rian is the one here, or is that Rush?”

“Rush has you now.”

“Of course. Dreamy guy with a dreamy name. Continue.”

I frowned at her obvious attraction. “Jase had Rian watching over your accounts. You’ve had some very suspicious activity on your You2. It seems someone has been trying to see more into your life by adding you. I don’t know how all that works, but that’s what Rian said.”

“Wait. They’ve been monitoring my You2? How? I have everything set to private.”

“They’re good at what they do. Jase—”