“No. Wait.” I could hear anger pushing into Tiffany’s tone. “They’ve been reading through my personal stuff? My messages? Have they been in my email?”

“I don’t know.”

“Do you know anything, Kody? Do you even know these men? For all we know, maybe they are the ones who took you. Maybe this is some sick joke to trap us both. You say they’re not cops. What the hell are they then to have the authority or knowledge to protect us? They’re reading through my fucking private stuff.”

“Is that so bad if it’s saves you?”

“Saves me? I just got kidnapped! And don’t you mean humiliates me? That’s private. I had a right to know I was being watched. Some computer creeper hacking You2 does not make me feel safe right now. I’m feeling worse by the second.”

“Tiff, it’s okay. They’re not computer creepers on You2.”

“Sure they are!”

“They’re not dammit. They own it.”

“Own?” She got quiet. “They own You2?”

“Yes,” I breathed out. I’m with Jase Colter. He’s the one who has me. Rian and Rush are on his team. They run it together. They lead the security and stuff there, and they’ve been doing everything they can to figure out who’s behind this ring that took me. Because it is a ring of people, Tiff. This is big. Bigger than we can even imagine, and they’re not going to stop until they cover their tracks. That would be everyone who knows about them. That’s us.”

Deep breaths filled my ears.

“I don’t feel good. I…Fuck I can’t breathe.”

“It’s fine. You’re going to be okay.”

“What about you? Are you okay? Why aren’t we together?”

My eyes closed as I lowered my head. “It’s safer to have us apart.”

“Says who? Them? Kody, I don’t like this. Where are the police? What are they doing to keep us safe?”

“I talked to the detectives and FBI a few days ago. They have nothing. They’re doing nothing. Our guys are. Let’s just let them do what they know. They’ll figure this out. We have to trust that.”

“Trust? Have I taught you nothing? Have you learned nothing from what I’ve been through? We trust no one. We’ve talked about this.”

“Jase and his friends are different. I trust them. You can too. I’m asking that you please give it some time. Let’s just see what happens.”

The line went quiet for so long I thought she hung up.

“I don’t like this, Kody. Not one bit. I’ll give it a few days, but I don’t have much time. If they don’t have this wrapped up soon, I’m out.”

“Tiff, please.”

“No. I love you girl, but I don’t know these men like you. After what they’ve done, I’m not sure I want to. It’s Friday. Come Monday, if they haven’t dealt with this, I’m leaving. You let me know if you want me to pick you up on my way out.”

The line went dead, and I dropped the cell on the bed, letting the top half of my body fall back against the comforter. I suddenly felt like I was spinning, and I had no idea why. My stomach was in knots. This was too much tonight. I didn’t even hear the door open as Jase’s looming figure stood over me. I jumped, forcing myself to sit back up.

“That didn’t sound good. You were yelling. Now you’re crying.”

“Tiff’s not taking it well. I knew she wouldn’t.”

“I’d assume not, but she’s alive. It could be worse.”

“Yeah. I think she knows that. I shouldn’t have told her you guys weren’t cops. Tiffany’s very strict about rules. She likes order. The way Rush tied her up was a bad start. She’s on edge. She’ll calm. She just needs time to think over everything I told her.”

Jase reached for my hand. I stood, letting him pull me in closer.

“You need to calm as well. You’ve been shaking off and on since you thought we were leaving to dinner. Come. I want you to relax in the tub.”