“He’s right about me having the best set up, but no one gets in. Kody and Tiffany are safer that way.” I glanced over, trying to hide the growing anxiety as we got closer to the scene. “Let’s just focus on your brother. He needs us now.”

No response other than a nod. Rush was leaning forward in his seat. His worried eyes were stuck ahead. There was no way my fear compared to his, yet I couldn’t hardly drive fast enough. My throat was tightening, and the cramp in my chest was nearly insufferable. The anger fed the concern. The two mixed together were like a bullet in a gun. The hammer was cocked back. It was only going to take one thing to set off that bang inside me.

“Fucking shit. Holy fuck.” Rush’s eyes widened as Rian’s sports sedan came into view. It was resting down the slope just short of a bridge. The front end was completely crushed in on one side from hitting the stopper at the front of the guardrail. Glass was shattered and metal peeled back along the top, no doubt from rolling down the hill. The damage had my own lips parting in shock. Dread multiplied as I slowed and came to a stop.

Rush and I were out of the car before I could barely put it in park.

“Hey! Hey, you!”

An officer jogged forward, stopping as a man in a suit yelled my name. I didn’t pay attention to any of it. Rush and I raced down the side of the slope, sliding to a stop next to what was left of Rian’s car.

“God dammit. There’s so much fucking blood. Fuck.” Rush tried opening the door but couldn’t budge the mangled metal.

“Look at the airbag. His nose is busted. It could account for the majority of what we’re seeing. Stay calm. Let’s find his phone.”

I went around the other side, wiping the broken glass from the shattered window.

“Are you Jase Colter?”

“That’s me.”

Barely glancing at the agent, I leaned my stomach through the opening, sliding my hand under the seat.

“Agent Warez mentioned you’d be stopping by. Are either of you related to the driver?”

“He’s my twin.” Rush lowered the top of his body in through the driver’s door, throwing me a look as he began to feel around too. He immediately jerked his gaze back to me, pulling up Rian’s phone. I reached over, taking it and the bracelet with the tracker I found, shoving it in my pocket before I eased and stood. When I did, the FBI agent was staring at me oddly. He was sizing me up, curious about more than what I could even begin to guess on.

“Well,” I walked around the front of the sedan,” it was nice meeting you, Agent…”

“Sullivan. And not so fast. You’re helping with cybercrime, correct?”

“I am. Aren’t you working with them too? I mean, Agent Warez said you were a friend. I assumed that meant…”

I trailed off as the agent smiled. “Warez and I go back a ways. He’s in cybercrime; I run a terrorism task force.”

“Terrorism?” Agent Sullivan. Sullivan, why did I know that name? “I don’t understand. What does terrorism have to do with Rian’s accident?”

Rush’s head lowered, shaking as he glanced over to me.

“I’ve been working with Rian for a few years now. You can say he’s…” he paused, glancing to Rush, “a very loyal brother. He’s helped us secretly put away some very bad men. When he called me a few days ago and mentioned a possible connection to a case you all were working on with Warez, I decided I better look deeper into this cyber ring you’re trying to dismantle. Victus Antonov.”

My lip curled at his name. Agent Sullivan’s head cocked at my reaction, and he glanced back over his shoulder.

“Is that who’s men are sitting in the black car a quarter of a mile back?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“No?” The Agent shrugged. “I think you do. I also think you’re both in way over your head. I know this man. I know where he lives. I know the type of people who work for him, and what they drive. But he doesn’t go by Victus. That name is just a doorstopper. His real name is Vitor. He’s bad news, and your friend, your brother,” he said, looking at Rush, “is in a lot of trouble if they have him. Have they called yet?”


“That’s even worse.”

My head shook. “How do know Vitor? From the terrorism unit?”

“We have a lot to discuss.” His hand came out. “My name is Gaige. Supervisory Special Agent Gaige Sullivan. If I know anything, it’s cartels and mafias. Things are changing concerning their line of business. We have a lot to go over, but we don’t have much time. Let me help.”

I shook his hand, watching as Rush did the same. I wasn’t sure what made Gaige Sullivan different than any other agent I’d come across, but my gut told me I should listen to him. He had V’s personal information, where I didn’t. If we were going to save Rian, I needed to know everything there was about the son of a bitch.