“I got her,” Rush snapped. “I saved her before they zeroed in on me. I just…I guess I lost a lot in the process too and made some mistakes. It fucked me up seeing what they were doing with those kids. Seeing…all that. I don’t look at things the same anymore. I guess none of us really do. Not after.” He stopped. “We got really attached to Fahima. She was our only light in such a dark situation and well…anyway, what I mean to say, and what I should have said long ago is, I don’t blame you. I never did. It doesn’t mean I’m okay either. We all got scars, physically and mentally. We went through hell. We came back different people.”

“We sure did.”

Silence spanned for minutes before Rush turned back to me.

“Are we good?”

“Of course we are.” I glanced over. “We’ve always butted heads, Rush. It’s what we do. That doesn’t mean I don’t have your back. You’re my brother till the end.”

The side of his mouth pulled back in a smile, but it wasn’t heartfelt. It was mischievous, throwing me off for a moment. “Good to know because we might be putting that to the test. You were right. We’re being followed.”

I glanced into my rearview mirror, taking in the cars behind us.

“Black sedan. Three cars back. It’s been tailing us for a while, I just wanted to make sure before I said anything. It hasn’t missed a beat.”

“Noted. No use trying to lose them. If it is V or one of his men, they already know where we’re headed. Let’s keep our eyes on them and see what happens.”

Ringing filled the interior as Agent Warez’s name appeared on the large screen for the radio. Rush and I looked at each other before I reached over, accepting the call.

“Jase, here.”

“Jase, this is Agent Warez. I’ve been in contact with officers at the scene. I’m afraid it’s not good.”

I swallowed hard, glancing over to check on Rush.

“Is he okay?”

“I’m afraid we don’t know. There’s blood, but Rian’s not there.”

Tighter I grabbed to the steering wheel. It was bad news, but a lot better than hearing they’d killed him. At least we stood a chance to get him back.

“I need his phone. Can you contact the officers and let them know I’m almost there?”

“One of my friends is already on the scene. He can assist with whatever you need. I can be at your place in half an hour.”

“No.” My head shook as lies filtered through. The FBI was extra protection, but until we could see what we were dealing with, I wasn’t ready to work with them on this. “Rush and I can get more done at the office. We’re not even sure the phone can help us.”

Rush’s brow furrowed but he stayed quiet as I continued.

“Jase, you have a good set up. It’s been working so far. I know you’re upset. Rian is your friend, but let’s think about this rationally. We can get a lot more done at your place.”

“I don’t think so.” My jaw flexed as apprehension fed the protective beast inside. “Out of Kody and Tiffany’s best interest, my place is on lockdown. They will not be put at risk whatsoever. I couldn’t get in even if I wanted to.”

“Can’t get in? Surely—”

“Nope.” I cut him off, my glare cutting over to Rush as his narrowed stare met mine. “Sorry, Agent. I really can’t. Only one person has the code, and until the allotted time has passed, no one can go through that front door. Not even me.”


“I’ll let you know if I find anything.”

I ended the call, ignoring the map as it took over the screen. I didn’t need the coordinates anymore. The red and blue lights ahead told me we were almost there, as did the traffic. I moved into the shoulder, not slowing as I whipped past the cars.

“Do you think he’s involved?”

“I don’t know. It’s hard to say. I can tell you I don’t trust anyone.”

Rush nodded. “Same. He really wanted in your place.”