“I am in a relationship with Marek,” I go on, and this has Marek’s head whipping in my direction. I ignore his glare. “We’re sleeping together. I came here willingly because he can give me an incredible career. I felt suffocated there, like I could never be who I wanted. I’m sorry that it came to this.”
“You’re lying,” he spits, his voice shaking. “Is he making you say these things?”
“No,” I say simply. “I’m sleeping with him, Carter. Are you not hearing me? We are going to make this show incredible, and I’m going to be famous. This is what I want. The life you and my parents have set out for me, is not the life I imagined. I’m sorry.”
The scary part about that statement, is I actually meant it.
That terrifies me.
“So you just ran off with what, the fucking circus?” Carter snaps.
He rarely swears, and it pains me to know I’ve hurt him.
“It’s not a circus and yes, I have left. I will come home again sometime, but I know my parents will never accept this. I want you to move on, please.”
“Oh, I’ll be moving on. I’ll make sure the world knows that you ran away, leaving me with nothing.”
He’s angry.
I can’t blame him.
“I didn’t want to hurt you.”
He laughs, bitterly. “Oh, I’m sure. Tell me, Ellie, why there were girls in cages in those photos. We all saw it. The town went wild.”
“I told you,” I answer, blandly. “It was for an act. We were practicing for a dark show we are doing. I’d invite you along, but I don’t think you’d like it...”
That was bitchy, I know it, but I need him to believe me.
“Fuck you, Ellie. Your parents are going to never accept you back when I tell them this...”
I swallow, because that hurts. It hurts because he’s right.
They won’t.
I can only hope that one day, they’ll gather up enough love, and at least speak to me again.
They probably won’t, though. Unless it is good for their image, they won’t allow it in their lives. Even if it is their own daughter.
“I’m sorry, Carter. I really am.”
He hangs up.
Exhaling, I lower the phone and then turn to Marek, thrusting it at him. “Are you fucking happy now?”
He studies me, then murmurs, “Your little story was impressive.”
“Yes, well, what can I say. I’m a fucking fantastic actor.”
“If only it were so easy to make the world forget.”
I grunt, laying down and rolling to my side. “It is. You’re just too obsessed with being evil.”
I’m right.
Not a single thing can make me change my mind.
Marek could do better, he just doesn’t want to.