I blink, confused.
“Call your family. Show me you’re loyal to me. Tell them you’re okay, that you left with me willingly and everything in the papers is a lie. They’re powerful and will tell every media outlet just to create fame for themselves. If youeverwant the chance to go home, then you’ll do as I’m asking.”
“They’ll track your phone,” I say, my voice bitter.
He smiles. “You don’t think I’m so stupid, do you, Ellie Mae?”
Of course not.
I shake my head and look away.
What sort of messed up game is he trying to play? Is he attempting to have me think I’ll ever get the opportunity to go home in hopes it’ll lift my spirits and I’ll be more willing to give him what he wants?
“Your games are fucking evil,” I grind out.
“I never said I was anything but. Now, call your family, Ellie, or I’ll take the chance away.”
That’s the first time he’s ever just used my name without adding the extra. It shocks me, because it tells me that he’s not messing around and I have a bad feeling any niceties he has been showing me, is now going to end.
I take the phone he hands me, and, with a shaky breath, I dial Carter.
His is the only number I know by heart.
“Carter Jones,” he answers, in a brisk, businesslike manner.
Another reason I don’t want to marry him.
Ellie Mae Jones.
“Carter, it’s Ellie.”
A long pause, before he frantically cries. “Ellie!”
“Look, I can’t talk long. I’m sorry I haven’t called sooner but...”
“Where are you? What has he done with you? We’re doing everything we can to find you. I haven’t slept for weeks, I’ve been worried sick.”
Marek raises his brows, almost sarcastically, at Carter’s dramatics.
I look away.
“Listen, Carter, I didn’t want to have to do this over the phone, but things have changed after that article was released.”
“Is he hurting you? Where are you?”
“He’s not hurting me. The article was incorrect. Those pictures were...part of a show.”
It’s a lie, but it has Marek giving me a skeptical look, as he narrows his eyes. It’s a good lie, at least, I think it is.
“What are you talking about? Ellie, you’re not making any sense.”
“I came here willingly, Carter,” I say, dropping my head because I do feel bad for what I’m about to say.
Carter loves me, even if it is a strange and weird kind of love. Almost as if it were an arranged marriage. Still, he cares, and I don’t want to hurt him, but I know I’ll never get back home if the police are hunting all over the countryside for me.