He panted hard. We were naked, sweaty and pressed together. I didn’t want to climb off of him. The way he embraced me told me this was no casual hook up. If only this moment could last forever.

Reluctantly, we parted and shakily put our clothes back on.

I glanced at a nearby clock and inwardly cursed as I saw the time. “I need to go to the studio to get fitted for my clothes at the shoot tomorrow,” I said. “I had called in earlier, but this totally slipped my mind. I’m going to have to go in anyway.” I hated to leave him. It was a bitter pill to swallow. I would just have to tell the staff team that I was feeling better and needed to come in.

Ethan looked disappointed. “Well, that’s okay.”

“Do you want to come with me?” I offered.

He grinned. “Really? That would be great.”

There was a sudden knock at the front door. Ethan looked startled. I froze like a deer in headlights, waiting in suspense for him to open it, especially since he didn’t look like he was expecting anyone.

I heard Caleb’s voice a few seconds later and allowed my shoulders to sag in relief. Not the police or my creepy stalker.

“We were just leaving,” Ethan explained to Caleb. “I’m going to take Geneva to her photoshoot pre-fitting.”

Caleb stared between us, and there was a look in his eye that made me think he knew exactly what Ethan and I had been doing this afternoon. “Mind if I tag along?”

“Sure,” I chuckled. “It will be fun to show you guys what it’s like behind the scenes of my little private world.”

After all, these guys were becoming important to me. I wanted them to see all of my life.

Chapter 25 - Ethan

When Geneva wasn’t looking, I gave Caleb an annoyed glance. “Dude, what are you doing?” He was cramping my style and ramming his way into my territory, and into my quality time with Geneva.

“What are you talking about?” Caleb shrugged, feigning innocence even though the curl of his lips let me know he was smug about coming back early.

I gave him a sour look. “I thought you were supposed to be at work all day?”

He grinned slyly. “Change of plans, buddy.” He gave me a brotherly slap on the back as we headed out to the car. Asshole.

Change of plans, my ass. Caleb had called in sick. I felt my jaw square in annoyance, but I didn’t want to get into an argument with him in front of Geneva, so I bit my tongue.

I would just have to plot some kind of revenge on Caleb later. I had hoped to enjoy a full day alone with Geneva, but at least I was with her, so I had to count my blessings even if Caleb was there too. It was irritating that he wanted to tag along, but I couldn’t exactly force him to stay behind, especially when Geneva was looking at us expectantly.

I gave Geneva a smile and we pulled out of the driveway, driving to her modeling studio.

“Turn here,” she instructed, pointing to a tan building with a russet metal roof after we had been driving for about five minutes down the main highway.

I read the modeling agency sign and found a parking spot right up front, so we wouldn’t have to walk very far if it was raining when we came back outside. I glanced at the sky. There were a few dark clouds rolling in, but no storm in sight yet.

She climbed out of the car with pep in her step. I studied her. She truly was a hard-working, independent woman who was excited about her career and the path ahead. Her inspiration gave me a boost of energy and motivation.

I wanted to share the journey with her. I opened the door for her to enter first after giving her an enthusiastic grin. “Ladies first.”

“Break a leg,” Caleb chuckled, as I groaned at his attempt at humor.

“Thanks,” she laughed. “Follow me, I’ll show you where the magic happens.”

We were greeted by a receptionist in an open lobby. “Hi, Geneva, we weren’t expecting to see you today,” the woman said, looking curiously between Caleb and I.

“I am feeling better,” Geneva admitted. “I need to get fitted for my photo shoot tomorrow.”

“I think Andrew and the rest of them are ready for you in the back.” The receptionist casually flicked her wrist in the direction of a hallway to the left.

“Great.” Geneva waved goodbye to the receptionist and beckoned Caleb and I to follow her.