At the end of the hallway, Geneva opened a set of double doors which led into a huge studio. Lights hung from the rafters, pointing down to the floor below. An array of equipment lined the walls and peppered the floor.

It was like stepping behind the scenes and I looked around, taking it all in.

“This is pretty cool,” I said, meeting Geneva’s gaze as we stood in the center of the empty room.

“Thanks.” Geneva beamed with pride as we followed her to a room tucked off to the left. “We just need to go into the dressing room. Don’t worry, it’s big enough for a hoard of people.”

I admit, I’m not normally into clothes and things. I’m a salt-of-the-Earth type guy, but I whistled low as we came into the dressing room. Inside, there were racks and racks of swimsuits, coats, dresses and other various clothing items. Mirrors adorned the walls from all angles. The lighting was warm and inviting. Couches with fluffy pillows sat tucked away in the corners.

Geneva walked around, completely comfortable in her skin, greeting coworkers.

“Hi, Sarah,” Geneva hugged a woman who was holding a clipboard and a pen. It appeared she was taking inventory.

“We have a ton of swimsuits for you to try on,” Sarah said with a serious face. “I’m glad you came in today.”

Geneva sighed, apparently mentally preparing herself for the task ahead. “Me, too.”

Sarah glanced up at me and Caleb with a curious raise of her eyebrow. “And who are these handsome fellows? Are they part of the shoot?”

Geneva spun around to look at us, her cheeks blushing rose. “Oh, I’m so sorry.” She pointed to us. “This is Caleb and Ethan. They’re friends of mine.”

“It’s nice to meet you.” I extended a hand to shake hers.

“I just wanted to show them around the studio,” Geneva added.

“I have to say, I’m impressed,” I said.

“What kind of work are you in?” Sarah quizzed, looking between me and Caleb.

“I’m a pilot with the 927th Air Refueling Wing at MacDill Air Force Base right here in Tampa,” I replied.

“I’m part of the Military Police force at MacDill,” Caleb cut in, and added a cheesy, “You can just say Ethan and I here have a penchant for adventure and excitement.”

Sarah gave a polite laugh, but her eyes were sparkling. “Stick with Geneva long enough and you’ll certainly get your fill of that.”

“Sarah!” Geneva pretended to be embarrassed, playfully swatting at her.

Everyone laughed. It was a lighthearted moment and I appreciated the fact that Geneva was open and comfortable enough with us to invite us into her life.

“Well, these schedules won’t complete themselves. Gotta run.” Sarah gave Geneva a glance. “You have nice friends. Handsome too.” She winked before stepping away, wandering back through another door behind her.

Geneva grinned. “Sarah can be a little intense,” she whispered after she was out of earshot.

“I gathered that much,” I laughed.

Several other models entered the room, but none of which I recognized from the photo shoot on the beach or the Miami nightclub. Geneva introduced us to various other people on the team as they filtered in and out, but none of them left a lasting impression on me.

In my eyes, Geneva was the most beautiful girl in the entire room. She lit up the world, and I was lucky enough to be a part of her adventure. I was enthralled with her, and couldn’t wait to see what the future would bring as long as I was right by her side.

Chapter 26 - Caleb


The three of us twisted around in response as a female voice called out.

“Hi!” Geneva embraced a young woman with brunette, shoulder length wavy hair.

I instantly recognized her as being the girl from the nightclub in Miami. Tamara with the green Camry. I exchanged a glance with Ethan. I could see the recognition in his eyes, too, as he studied the pair chatting and greeting each other.