“What the hell are you looking at, man?” Worth approached me with a concerned expression.

At first, I couldn’t speak. I just nodded at her like a dumbstruck puppy, unable to utter a single word. “Over there,” I finally managed to croak. “Model. Beach.” It wasn’t an entire formulated sentence, but it was the best I could muster in the moment.


What was her name? Jenny? Giada? Genevieve?

“That’s the girl you ran into on the beach. That’s her, right? Look.” I pointed in the direction of the swarming crowd buzzing on the dance floor.

“Geneva?” Worth’s voice brightened and he twisted around, scanning the club with a desperate flicker gleaming in his eyes.

“Geneva!” I exclaimed, hitting upon it at last. My heart was racing. My pulse swooshed violently through my ears like a high school marching band drumline. “Yeah, that’s right. That was her name.”

“You see her?” Worth stared across the room, gaze flicking back and forth. “Where?”

“There she is.” Ethan came up from behind us, obviously listening in—and startling the hell out of me. Grinning an apology, he pointed across the room.

Geneva had obviously decided to give dancing a break and was walking away from the dance floor, elbow hooked through her friend’s as they laughed and stumbled in their stiletto heels.

“It looks like she’s here with a few friends.” I knew I sounded disappointed. As if a beautiful woman like her would ever be alone anywhere. They tended to run in packs.

“There’s a guy sitting at her table, too,” Ethan huffed as if he had just been betrayed by one of us for something backstabbing and unforgivable.

Were all three of us hungry for her?

“Nah, look—he’s got his arm around another girl at the table,” Worth’s face brightened, and my mind was instantly hit with a rush of relief.

I glanced at them. “We should go over. You know. Just to say hello.” I tried to play it off with a casual shrug.

“I don’t know…” Ethan said, always the buzzkill. “She looks pretty involved in her group.”

I gave myself a mental shake. Why was I hesitating? Why did I think that this girl would be like any other? I was hardly ever rejected. “She was so sweet on the beach. I bet she would enjoy bumping into us again.” Bumping into me, at least…

“Yeah,” Worth agreed. He glanced at Ethan and I, and something flashed in his eyes that looked almost like a plea. “What are the chances of finding her here among all these people? Finding her at this exact bar in this exact location on this exact night and time?”

“Who cares? She’s here now. Let’s go for it.” I was too eager and I knew it. Normally, I kept my cool but just the sight of her had an enormous effect on my emotions. I was floating through the atmosphere, weightless and full of lust.

Ethan shrugged. “I suppose the odds are remote.”

“Exactly.” I hit the side of Worth’s arm with the back of my hand. “We should go talk to her. You know. Just say hi or something.” Or something more. How about hi, why don’t you come back to our motel for a bit?

Why did I sound so desperate? An electric current was arcing through my veins, giving me a jolt that I didn’t recognize.

I glanced back at Geneva. She had exceptional, natural beauty. She wasn’t wearing layers of caked on makeup. She didn’t have that orangish, fake tan that so many of the women in this town tried to achieve. She was the real deal.

And, judging by the enthralled way my two friends were staring at her, I could see by the hunger in their eyes that they wanted to ravage her just like I did. Maybe we could discuss sharing her if she was into that kind of thing. First, we had to man up, approach her to say hello.

“We could stand here like star-gazed fools all night, or we could grow a pair to go and talk to her.” I wasn’t trying to be a dick, but sometimes my friends needed a little coaxing.

Besides, not to brag, but as a group we were a good damned catch.

“Yeah.” Worth nodded. His eyes were glazed over and he looked like he was in a dream world.

“So, is that a yes?” I raised my eyebrow. “Are we doing this?”

Ethan was normally the over-thinker, but he didn’t skip a beat in answering. “I’m ready when you guys are.”

I exhaled, taking a minute to get a hold of myself. Why did I feel like we were having separate conversations? Usually the plan was whoever found the girl first called dibs and the others stepped back.