This time, though… this time was different. We were going in as a group. “Let’s just bite the bullet and go for it.”

We put one foot in front of the other as we walked across the dance floor, grazing past people as they became one with the music. It was like crawling across a desert to finally reach the oasis, but as long as we didn’t lose our courage, we would get to taste the refreshing water on the other side.

We were here to have fun and embrace life. Achieving that goal was my new focus, and my eyes zoned in on Geneva as if she was the first place prize waiting across the finish line.

Chapter 9 - Geneva

My fruity drink was making me peppy, giving me a hazy zing from the inside out. I was giddy and buzzing through a fun evening with my friends and colleagues.

Tamara was in the middle of telling the group an animated, elaborate story of how she first started out in the modeling world when I was distracted by a flash out of the corner of my eye. I casually turned my head, expecting to see people walking past our booth.

My jaw dropped when I saw who was approaching our table. I recognized them at once. Three gorgeous guys with chiseled jaw lines, clean cut faces free of stubble; brunette, blonde and black inky hair. They were an exceptional trio of masculine perfection oozing sex appeal, marching in my direction.


They were coming towards me. Me. Did I do something wrong? No, that couldn’t be it. They moved with purpose, eyes focused like lasers. I couldn’t look away. It was like gazing at a sunset painted in magnificent hues across a landscape on a Caribbean island.

I was hooked. They were undressing me with their eyes, unlocking a secret vault of yearning that pinged between my legs and enticed wetness that dampened my pink lace panties.

Taking a deep breath, I instinctively touched my hand to my neck. My skin was flushed, heated. I didn’t want to seem rattled, so I turned back and pretended to be fully engaged in the conversation jovially chiming around our table.

Tamara was still knee deep in her story. I chuckled when everyone else did, but my concentration flatlined as soon as I saw the guys approaching me like hungry lions. I stiffened as they approached the table. Tamara halted her story mid-sentence. Mouth agape, she stared in perplexed wonderment at the trio.

“Hi, Geneva.” The one with blond hair and a military style cut gave me a devilishly handsome grin that could have been illegal all on its own.

“Hello.” I cursed my fair skin, which made my blush obvious.

“You know these guys?” Brice had a scowl on his face and he shifted a little more protectively against Tamara as if to ward these guys off.

“Yes. I mean…I don’t know them.” I glanced over at Tamara, flailing for support. “I ran into them on the beach…” Or they literally ran into me.

“It was a bit of a funny story, actually.” The guy who I remembered being introduced to as Worth flashed us a graceful smile brimming with charm.

“We could spot you a mile away, Geneva,” the one with chestnut hair purred.

“Did you follow us here or something?” Tamara continued to stare the guys down with more suspicion swimming in her eyes than Brice had initially emitted.

“What? Hell, no.” He vehemently shook his head. “Just a coincidence.” He recovered quickly, resorting back to that million-dollar smile. “You remember my friends, Caleb and Ethan?”

Caleb and Ethan flanked Worth on each side, giving me a polite and respectful nod with a slight bow. “Nice to see you again,” Ethan said.

“Same to you.” I blushed as I grinned in return. “I suppose this nightclub is the most popular place to be on the block.”

“All the cool kids are coming here,” Caleb said, eliciting a slight chuckle through the group that made me breathe a sigh of relief.

“Right.” I allowed my shoulders to relax. Hot and sweet? I was in trouble. There was no room at the table to scoot in and make space for the guys, but I did my best to make them feel welcomed. “Are you still on your leave?”

“Just for a couple more days,” Ethan said, stuffing his hands in his pockets as he glanced behind him as the music changed. “I love this song. Would you like to dance with us?”

“Really?” I tried not to squeak, but I couldn’t help myself.

I knew I should probably be careful around three men who were clearly interested in me on a romantic level, but there was something genuine about them that made me feel safe. I was drawn to them. I was reeled in like a fish on a hook, swimming so fast through the current I couldn’t assess my surroundings or what was unfolding in front of my eyes.

Ethan’s eyes gleamed. “Of course.”

I glanced at Tamara, who was still eyeing the guys as if she didn’t trust them. When she noticed I was staring at her to get her attention, she flicked her gaze towards me.

I was suddenly hit with a lightning bolt of an idea. I needed a brainstorm partner to mull over the pros and cons of this situation with me and help me gather enough of a hypothesis to move forward with a response.