“She was rotten,” Caleb agreed, keeping pace with me. “Sometimes people can be deceptive and cruel on the inside.”

I couldn’t stop the shiver that went down my spine. “If I hadn’t followed her back to her dressing room and taped her conversation with her brother, she’d still be walking around trying to plot another way to mark my downfall.”

“You didn’t deserve any of this horrible treatment,” Worth whispered softly. “You were nothing but a loyal friend to Tamara. She was a snake in the grass from day one.”

“Thanks.” I looked between Ethan and Caleb. “I’m so lucky to have all of you.”

Worth and Ethan exchanged a mischievous glance, their lips curled deviously. I knew they were up to something.

I glanced between them, suspicious. “Why do I feel like you guys are scheming something?”

Worth looked as if he might burst at the seams. “We want to give you a surprise.”

“Hopefully it’s not a trip to the Tampa Bay Rays stadium,” I laughed, aiming to bring some lighthearted comic relief to the conversation.

I was ready to forget all about Tamara and move on with my life now that the threat she brought was out of the picture. As long as I had my phone’s camera evidence, I knew she would steer clear of me and leave me alone for good.

And if she didn’t… well. That’s what I had the boys for.

“Come on,” Ethan nudged with his chin in the direction of the sand dunes. He kept hold of my hand. “We need to drive to the surprise.”

An excited glee began to rise in my belly. I trusted these men and I was willing to go anywhere with them, on any adventure that they wanted to bring to the table. Life was too short to stew in anger. Tamara might not know it, but she taught me that lesson tonight.

I glanced behind me one last time as the spectacular painted sunset began to color and light up the horizon. It was a beautiful scene, and I was surrounded by fantastic people who genuinely cared about my happiness and wellbeing. Life was good.


“Are you sure you want to do this?” Worth eyed me cautiously.

I put my bulky headphones over my head and clicked the microphone on. “I’m ready.” I stared straight ahead, nearly vibrating with excitement. A flight over the beach in Worth and Ethan’s private airplane was the best surprise they could have ever given me. It was the next best thing to actually flying a jet. Better, actually. Their little Cessna could comfortably fit all four of us.

Worth, who sat in the pilot’s seat, grinned over his shoulder at me and moved the throttle. Caleb, who sat in the seat next to mine, took my hand. Ethan took the other.

“You’re going to be fine,” Ethan called, perhaps sensing my nervousness. “Worth knows what he’s doing… most of the time.”

“Ha-ha.” With that, Worth punched a button. The engine began to hum and the propellers sung a mighty roar. We were seconds away from soaring off into the skies.

“Before we take off,” I blurted out, “I want to tell you guys something.” I glanced between the three of them.

“Yes?” Caleb asked, mirroring the same expectancy that was set on Worth and Ethan’s faces. For goodness sakes, they looked nervous enough, as if I were about to break up with them.

I quickly set their minds at ease.

“You guys are so fantastic. You make me want to be a better person every day, and I have such incredible fun when I’m with you. I just wanted you to know that…I love you.”

Seeing the anxiety on their faces wash away in a wave of pride and love was one of the best sights in the world.

“I love you too, Geneva,” Worth said.

“You’re one of the best things that has happened to me,” Caleb added.

Ethan said nothing, but squeezed my hand. His eyes were a little too bright, and that was all I needed to know that he felt the same way.

I was over the moon with joy. I would never have to be alone or afraid again. I had three amazing guys who were willing to not only stand by me but love me too.

The day had started off with pain and betrayal, but as the plane picked up speed and left the earth to soar into the sky, it was the perfect ending.

I peered out the window. The ocean looked so tiny but yet so splendidly beautiful at the same time. I had come full circle, staring down at the same gulf waters where fate had lent me a hand by a chance meeting with the guys.