I couldn’t wait to see where the next adventure landed us.

The End

Excerpt from Crave

Excerpt from Crave

(A Reverse Harem Romance)


I shifted in my pinching heels, as if moving my weight around was somehow going to lessen the pain of wearing them. It didn’t, of course, but it did remind me of how unbearably tight this red sheath dress was.

“Seriously, Liza, I can’t breathe,” I said, self-consciously smoothing a hand over my stomach as I tried not to make eye contact with any of the other people in line. “I can’t believe I let you talk me into this.”

“You look fantastic, though.” She smiled at me. “It’ll be worth it.”

I wasn’t so sure.

It felt like everyone in this line was checking me out, sizing me up, and deciding—correctly—that I didn’t belong here.

This was about as far out of my element as I had ever been. I mean, seriously… a sex club?

What the hell was I going to do at a sex club?

I definitely wouldn’t be getting laid. This dress was hard enough to get into. Getting back out of it? In front of strangers?

Yeah, not happening.

Liza really wanted to come, though, and I knew she’d been having a hard time lately. At least she could have a little fun, and I could get in a little research.

Even if the research I usually did for my romance books wasn’t nearly this… thorough.

Or hands-on.

Still, if this was what she had her heart set on, I could suck it up—and suck it in—for one night. And it was always possible that I might get some inspiration for my next book, however unlikely that prospect seemed at the moment.

Maybe I’d feel better about it once we actually got inside.

But for now, just standing in this horribly long line in heels and a sprayed-on dress was a pain. When the ad for this dress claimed it would “take my breath away,” I didn’t think they meant literally.

It was definitely a far cry from my usual Friday nights spent writing, snuggled in with a cup of green tea.

Liza liked to call it boring, but I preferred to think of it as comfortable.

As in, the opposite of what we were currently doing.

Liza quirked an eyebrow as she looked me up and down. “You look miserable. I mean, you look really good. But I know you’d rather be at home in your sweatpants right now.”

I snorted. “No argument there. But no pain, no gain, right? I just didn’t think I’d be on my feet this much at a sex club.”

Liza laughed and hooked her arm with mine. “Yeah, screw this… we’re going to the front of this damn line.”

“What? No!” I hissed, trying to pull away but not wanting to make any more of a spectacle of myself than I already was.

“Yes, Harlow. I almost never get you to go out with me. And we’re both looking too damn good to waste half the night waiting outside this club. We’re going in.”

She dragged me forward before I could even think of a response. And really, she was right. We did look too good for all this waiting around.