“I’m going to go outside and see if I can find anything suspicious. You never know what you might find.”
“Really?” Ethan gave me a confused glance. “Why?”
I gave the room another glance. Nothing new stood out. We had been pretty thorough last night. “I just don’t think we’re going to find anything else in here.”
The truth was, I needed to get some air. There was something strange about this hotel room that I couldn’t put my finger on. Like looking at a jigsaw puzzle with one vital piece still missing.
It was almost time for us to return to Tampa. I didn’t want to leave Geneva alone here but I thought I remembered her saying she was leaving to go back home around the same time as we were.
I made a mental note to make other suggestions to her when I saw her again. I just wanted to protect her at all costs. I had some kind of primal instinct to shield her from all harm, even if she was a grown woman.
“I’ll be downstairs if you come up with anything new,” I told Ethan before walking back out the door.
“Okay,” he called out behind me. “I’ll join you soon. I just want to make this place seem presentable again in case she comes back.”
If she did have to return, I would make sure she wouldn’t be alone.
I walked down to the lobby and approached the clerk behind the counter. It was a male this time, with a name badge reading ‘Stephen.’
“Hello,” he greeted me with a friendly smile. “Can I help you?”
“I was just combing the area regarding the incident from last night,” I said as I flashed my military police badge for appearance. Most people would never be able to tell the difference anyway that I wasn’t a local patrol officer. “I was wondering if you’ve noted any suspicious behavior from any of the guests here overnight?”
Stephen gave me an apologetic glance. “I’m sorry, sir. I just started my shift an hour ago.”
“Oh,” I said with disappointment. I glanced over my shoulder and rapped my knuckles against the side of the counter. Too bad there was no way for me to get a warrant. I stared at him, willing him to find a solution for me.
“If you want to speak to my manager…” Stephan trailed off.
Bingo. “Yeah. That might be a good idea.”
“If you just give me a moment, I’ll return shortly.”
“No problem.” I stuffed my hands into my pocket, whistling as I walked around the perimeter of the lobby, scoping the place out. Nothing suspicious or otherwise out of the ordinary.
“Sir?” A few seconds later, I heard the sound of a male voice chime behind me.
I spun around. “Well, that was quick—”
I was met with the same face of Stephen staring regretfully back at me.
“I’m sorry, our manager is in a meeting. He did tell me that if you want to make an appointment—”
“That won’t be necessary.” I didn’t have time to run back and forth, and I was treading a very thin line.
“Well if you change your mind, you know where to find us,” Stephen said.
“Absolutely.” I nodded before heading out the electric double doors leading to the parking lot.
The thick, humid air hit me like a slap in the face. I wiped fresh sweat from my brow and placed my aviator sunglasses over my eyes to shield my face somewhat from the sun. I glanced around, sizing the place up. Nothing appeared out of the ordinary upon first glance, but as I continued to scope the area with a light stroll around the perimeter, my skin prickled with an ominous feeling that unsettled me.
I glanced over my shoulder, suspicious that I might notice something that I shouldn’t miss if I was quick enough.
There was a man wearing faded, white washed jeans that looked like they were a size too big. He was wearing a baggy, navy blue t-shirt and was pacing back and forth on the side of the building.
I didn’t want him to notice me, so I planted myself behind a bush, crouching, as I continued to observe the man’s odd behavior.
The man ran a jittery hand through his hair. His hands were visibly shaking. His eyes darted left and right, laced with paranoia. It might be possible that he was on some kind of heavy drugs. It was also possible he was on the hunt for another victim.