It was a thrill to know that we could be caught here. We hastily stripped down to our underwear. She was wearing a pink lacy bra and panty set. I glanced down at the throbbing boner protruding through my boxers.

Geneva grinned and pulled me close to her, pushing my boxers down around my ankles as we submerged our wet bodies into the water.

It was the most erotic moment of my entire life. She pressed her naked breasts against my chest. I reached my fingers down to explore the pulsing nub between her legs to find her slippery and ready.

“Wow,” I groaned, enthralled.

A soft moan escaped her lips. “You do this to me.”

She leaned back as we sank our hips into the water. I leaned over to grab a condom from my shorts that were sitting in a heap on the floor beside the Jacuzzi. I fumbled to put it on in the slippery water, finally sheathing it all the way on while Geneva stared at my hardened shaft with hungry eyes.

She sat on my lap, straddling me with bare thighs. I was throbbing. I held my breath and then gasped as she wiggled on top of me, her smile playful, her grin devilish.

As soon as my tip breached her, she let out a soft sound and stopped wiggling. One smooth, expert move and she took me all the way in.

I groaned and grabbed her hips. “God, Geneva…”

“Mmm,” she hummed, eyes half closing as she rose up and down.

She was so tight and sensual, moving her hips in a rhythm as old as time. Her cheeks were flushed from the intense heat of the water and the work out she was getting while riding me.

I stared at her bare breasts, perky and bouncing. She craned her neck back and a guttural cry escaped her throat. It was primal, animalistic, just like the desperate way we’d eagerly flung our clothes off.

Her inner muscles tightened and fluttered around me, giving me all the warning I needed. As soon as she started climaxing, I found I couldn’t hold it in any longer. With one last thrust and a groan, I spilled hard into the condom.

I slid out of her, growing limp and breathing hard. She snaked her arms around my neck and softly kissed me with a saucy grin.

“Thank you,” she whispered in my ear, giving me a prickly pleasured sensation. “That was incredible.”

I laughed and ran a hand through my wet hair. “I want to do that again, and soon.”

Plain and simple, I was addicted.

Chapter 18 - Caleb

I took a deep breath as I pushed the door open to Geneva’s hotel room. I wasn’t sure what I was hoping to find, or what to expect. There was every chance that the perp could have returned to finish whatever he started.

However, as I stepped inside, I noticed that everything appeared to be exactly the way we left it last night.

I turned to face Ethan. “Everything looks the same.”

“Uh-huh.” His eyes narrowed as he inspected the place for any subtle activities or clues. The police had no leads, and Geneva didn’t mention having an additional room key that could have been stolen without her realizing it had been taken. There were a few holes in the story that we would have to seal, but in the meantime keeping her safe was the top priority.

“We should take matters into our own hands,” I stated firmly. “You saw how fast that police officer was in and out last night. He barely cared. If the local law enforcement aren’t going to do their job, then we might as well step in.”

Ethan rolled his eyes. “That’s just your own police background shining through.”

I frowned. “Is that a problem?”

He shook his head and shrugged. “I guess not.”

“Well, while we’re here maybe we should try and clean up her stuff?” Ethan suggested.

“Good idea,” I said. “It’s the least we could do.”.

I suddenly had an idea. “Do you think it’s possible room service had anything to do with this?”

It was as if a light bulb had clicked inside of Ethan’s mind. “That’s a thought. They would have access to the rooms. Hell, they probably are given a master key that can open any of the rooms in the entire hotel.”