“Eventually, I want as many as you’ll give me. But can I at least propose before we start talking about starting a family?” I raise an eyebrow at him.
“You got a ring already?” He smirks.
“Left it in my other pants.” I shake my head at him.
“I need to make sure I take my next birth control shot if you’re going to keep cumming in me like that.” His lip tips up at the corner, and I point at him.
I grew up with all boys, which is why I’m still mad that my mom didn’t realize I was never going to be more than the tomboy I was. So I know when a juvenile boy joke is coming.
“You could always swallow.” I throw my hands up in the air.
“UGH! You know what, no marriage or kids for you. You still have growing up to do.” I step into the shower, and he stands there watching.
“Well? You coming?” I ask.
“Yes, and so will you.”
I walked right into that one, and boy, did I fucking enjoy it.
“All right, settle down,”Mayhem yells out to get everyone’s attention.
“Thank you. Everyone, this is Doctor Diego Espinosa. Yes, he was stalking me. No, he’s not the serial killer. Yes, he’s dangerous, but just to my vagina.” This fucking woman’s mouth.
“Here, here,” One of the women at the bar raises her glass to Hannah, and the men around the room she considers family either laugh at my expense or look away.
They all seem to agree that she’s my problem now.
Challenge accepted.
“Welcome to the family, Diego. I’m Seer, the President of this club. You’ve met my VP, Cowboy.” I shake Seer’s hand but refuse Cowboy’s.
“You’re the one that saw my girl naked.” Everyone within earshot takes a step back from us except Hannah, who smirks at us.
“Aye, I reckon I did. A few times over the years. But I ain’t ever touched her like that and never will. She’s like a little annoying sister.” I nod and finally shake his hand.
“Fair enough.” Hannah laughs at our interaction, but then one of her god-brothers steps up to me.
“I’ve seen her naked, and I’ve touched her.” Hannah curses and grabs his shoulder.
“Nova, you promised to take that to your grave!” He shakes her off easily.
“It’s true. We were fourteen, and she didn’t know what to do with tampons. So I showed her.” Hannah hangs her head laughing.
“MADDOX!” She yells at him as her face turns beet red.
“First time I saw a,” Seer puts his hand over Nova’s mouth and drags him away.
“Have you ever done anything the easy way in your life?” The whole room answers for her.
“NO!” I chuckle and hug her to my chest.
“Good luck with that one.” Scull slaps my shoulder as he walks by.