“How about we get out of here? You owe me a date.” She nods and takes my hand, dragging me behind her.
“Wait up!” Mayhem runs up to us.
“I don’t need a fucking chaperone.” She growls at him, and he shrugs sheepishly.
“Give us space. I don’t want to see or feel you there.” He hugs her quickly and disappears into the crowd.
“You ever been to New Orleans?” I shake my head at her.
“Nope. Are you going to take me to Bourbon Street?” She snorts.
“Awe baby,” she couples the accent perfectly.
“Let me show you the real Nola.” She winks and turns onto St. Charles Street.
We’re walking back into the brewery more than a little tipsy and so full of crawfish I may puke. We sang bad karaoke, danced in the streets and somehow I managed to get beads even though it’s not even Mardi Gras yet.
I can’t remember the last time I’ve had this much fun and then I see him. Sitting at the bar next to an elegant-looking woman is Doctor Richard Prichett.
“What the fuck is he doing here?” I growl, stumbling to a stop, my good mood gone in an instant.
Mayhem, who was doing exactly what Hannah asked until we stopped to eat, was right behind me, so I pushed her into his chest.
“Take her up to our room, will you?” He seems surprised, but something on my face must say I’m not fucking around because he quickly takes the hallway leading to the stairs.
The place is starting to empty out from the late hour; otherwise, I may have missed him.
“You’re not welcome here. Get the fuck out.” I growl at Richard, causing Seer to turn and watch us.
“Diego! Are you here on vacation too?” He has got to be kidding me.
“We got a problem here?” Seer says, and I nod.
“We sure do. This piece of shit is the one suing Hannah.” I’ve only known Seer for a short time, but I see the change in him immediately.
Gone is the business owner, outshined by the MC President. He looks nothing less than lethal.
“Take your wife and leave my establishment. Enjoy your stay in New Orleans, but make sure it does not bring you back here.”He dumps the drinks they are yet to finish, and when Richard reaches for his wallet, Seer growls.
“Keep your fucking money.” He points to the door, and that is when the woman next to Richard raises her hand and places it on Richard.
“My apologies for any misunderstanding. How were we to know this business had a connection to…her? May I use the restroom before we leave?” Seer nods at her, and she lifts to her feet with poise and grace.
She acts and walks like she’s a runaway model and too damn good for anyone else here. It’s cold and gives off an evil that makes me shiver when she walks by me.
“You can wait outside for…her.” I sneer the word like his wife just did loudly in his face.
Mayhem appears out of nowhere and grabs Richard by the back of his neck, dragging him out the door and flinging him into the middle of the street.
It’s the first time I’ve ever seen someone ejected out of a bar, like in an old Western. I grin at him and turn to Seer. He’s looking at the hallway leading to the bathrooms and the stairwell with a frown on his face.
“Prez?” Mayhem questions the look as well.
“Something isn’t right. Go check on Shock.”
We run, not asking any other questions, but when he barrels into the room, it’s empty.
She’s gone.