“This is so good; I swear my mouth is orgasming.”
He chuckled and then asked if I’d ever had seafood.
“Yuck, no, how could you possibly compare this amazing steak to seafood?”
He waved over Linda and said something in a different language.
From the flowing, nasally quality, I thought it might be French. “Aren’t you eating, Alexander?”
He growled, “Would you like another trip to the bathroom for a reminder of what to call me?”
Outside of the bathroom, calling himDaddyseemed the absolute height of humiliation, but in him demanding it of me, I felt a spasm and a pool of moisture between my thighs.
“Sorry, Daddy,” I whispered. When I actually said it out loud, instead of simply imagining it in my mind, it didn’t seem as embarrassing as I thought it would. In fact, just the opposite happened. I felt small and safe for the first time in forever. Then my more analytical, don’t trust anyone side took over, spoiling the moment of bliss.
“So, can I call you Alex? Like when we’re in public?”
“Yes, you may call me Alex when it’s appropriate.”
His words were simple, but I felt like he was referring to the future. Something in his tone spoke longer than eighteen hours. Or maybe it was me just hoping for something more.
The way he’d pleasured me was beyond anything I’d ever experienced, and the way he growled my name sent pangs of desire through my core. His taste in food, clothing, everything about the man’s preferences screamed quality and everything about the man himself shouted reliable. I wondered how many girls had gotten to call him Daddy? Even though I’d loved my parents dearly, my father had never made me feel cared for or protected.
And that was the crux of my feelings of inadequacy I’d been experiencing since we left the bathroom, that I was nothing. Had nothing, came from nothing, and knowing why was suddenly imperative. “Why are you doing this?”
Alex cut a perfect bite-size piece of meat and expertly scooped a small helping of potato onto his fork. He took his time chewing while I tapped my foot impatiently.
“Bythis,am I to assume you mean what happened in the bathroom? I thought I was clear on what happens to naughty girls. They get punished.”
I wanted to punch him and fuck him simultaneously. He sparked in me so many tumultuous emotions.
“By the way, when I have finished this delightful meal. I expect you to go to the bathroom and prepare yourself for your next session.”
He spoke so casually between bites that the seriousness of his message was almost lost. Shit, I’d thought he’d been kidding.
“What if I say no?” Even though I knew I would obey him, I had to ask. I wanted a round two of what he had to deliver, maybe not the punishment, but the reward almost made a second spanking worth it.
“Then you can take a seat you haven’t stolen in the back of the plane, assuming they have one available, and hope that when you land, you can figure out your next steps, which you are more than welcome to do. However, know that if you stay with me, I control what happens, and I will punish and reward you how I see fit. Is that clear?”
Again, a contraction and a gush in my jeans. At this rate, I would look like I’d peed myself.
“But why, why me? Is it because I’m an easy target? Or for the more obvious reason because I stole your ticket, and I owe you money, so this is your revenge, playing with me? What happens when we land if I decide to stay with you?”
Alex put down his fork and turned in his seat to face me. “Antonia, I don’t have any nefarious intentions toward you. I saw you at the airport, and I knew what you were all about. I knew if I dangled my ticket, you would steal it. I also knew I could purchase another ticket with no problem and sit beside you. I find you very beautiful, and I admit that I wanted to be engaged in some fun with you on what would otherwise be a very boring trip. I have no intention of holding you to paying me back. As I already said, I don’t need your money. I find myself intrigued, and if you decide to stay with me for the duration of my trip, which is expected to be approximately two weeks, I will ensure you have the best time of your life. I will purchase you a new wardrobe and set you up with a job here in Tahiti or anywhere else you wish to go. All I can say is that because I want to. I feel compelled to know you better. But, I will warn you one last time. I am a Daddy Dom, and that means that, when it comes to your health and safety, I run the show, and you will obey me.” Picking up his fork, he went back to eating the last few bites of his dinner.
I mulled over his proposal… two weeks of a bit of heaven along with a new wardrobe and a job? Absolutely. Besides, I could pretend to be anything, and if he wanted a brat to punish and a princess to spoil, I could be that. After all, it was all an act.
But even I knew I was full of shit. Whatever his brand, I wanted it. I wanted him and his hands on me, spanking me or making me orgasm, I didn’t care, and in any case, I wanted more time to explore the idea of being his and why it sent a pang of longing deep into my core.
Chapter 4
Beside me,Antonia’s thoughts were loud. I could feel her weighing out her options, and I knew she would choose me. She wanted to know what it felt like to be loved and protected, and I would give her that, plus so much more.
When my dinner was finished, I placed my fork down. “Time for round two, brat. I want you in the bathroom, pants, and shirt off, and on your knees, head bent in supplication. Any questions?”
Her cheeks flamed with my words, and I wanted to chuckle, but I needed to be serious to impart the importance of my instructions.