“Yes, sir.”
Antonia left for the bathroom, and on the heels of her departure, Linda came and took away our trays. I followed Antonia to the bathroom, tapping lightly on the door when I arrived. A moment later, Antonia opened the door, stretching from her position on the floor.
“Nice, trick,” I commented. With her head dipped, I caught only the corners of her mouth lifted in a smile.
“Thank you, Daddy.”
I felt my cock straining in my pants. I wouldn’t be holding back on this round. I needed relief as much as she did.
“Okay, little brat, I want you to drape yourself over the toilet lid, with your ass facing me, get it high, and keep it there.”
Antonia scrambled to do my bidding, and once she was in place, I kicked her legs apart. Her excitement was evident in the glistening skin of her inner thighs. Her ass was still a deep pink but no bruising to speak of, a perfect canvas for round two. I slid my belt off and wrapped the buckle end safely inside my hand.
“Please feel free to scream and alert the other passengers to your punishment,” I said casually, bringing the belt down across both cheeks. There was this suspended pause while Antonia processed the new sensation. The sound the belt made as it cut through the air didn’t have her squeezing her cheeks in anticipation, which told me she had never been spanked with leather before.
I anticipated her response to the sting and watched as the stripe of red lay over the bright pink of her already tenderized backside. None of what I expected happened.
Instead, Antonia peeked at me from over her shoulder, her large owlish eyes blinking in surprise. “Thank you, Daddy. May I have another?”
She couldn’t be serious. Was she saying she liked it?
I carefully lined up the next stripe to just lay over the edge of the first. I was starting at the top and working my way down to the back of her thighs. The belt landed with a hard thwack sound, and I waited. Nothing, except the little chit, wagged her sexy reddened behind. At this rate, I punished myself by holding back on engaging in other, more pleasurable acts.
I increased the power as I laid one down right across the broadest part of her cheeks. She hissed with the impact but recovered quickly.
“Oh, thank you, Daddy.” When she turned her eyes on me this time, gone were the rounds of surprise and in their place was pure desire.
Damn, she was perfect for me, and I decided to stop worrying and got into the strokes she was so wantonly asking for. I didn’t stop but kept up a steady rhythm. Each bright bloom of color melded into the last until my canvas was painted entirely. I stood back and admired my handiwork and then bent down to trace a few raised edges, loving how they looked on her.
“Antonia, turn around now and get on your knees. It’s time to show Daddy how much you loved receiving the kiss from his belt.”
Antonia turned around and moved back to her original position from when I first arrived. I unzipped my fly and moved so my cock was only inches from her mouth. “Taste me.”
Obediently, her tongue darted out and licked the pre-cum from the velvety head.
My head fell back, and my knees softened as she took my cock in her mouth. I was very hard from our sessions and knew it wouldn’t take much to make me blow my load in her warm mouth.
I gripped her hair tightly and moved her head, pushing it down a little more with each repetition until my cock was deep inside, and drool gushed out of the corners of her mouth as she worked me like a pro. I felt my balls tighten, and in response, my grip on her hair tightened, and I held her still while I spilled my seed down her throat. As the shuddering subsided, I removed myself from her mouth and cleaned up.
Pulling Antonia to her feet, I washed her face and patted it dry. Neither of us spoke. We didn’t have to. When we returned to our seats, the seared scallops I ordered were just being placed. “Right on time, I see. Thank you, Linda.”
Linda eyed Antonia with curiosity and then said, “You’re welcome, sir. We are beginning our descent in fifteen minutes. Can I get you anything else?”
“Yes, two cappuccinos, and that will be all.”
She nodded and scurried off to do my bidding.
When I sat down, I noticed Antonia hadn’t tried her scallops. “Come now, brat, trust me when I say your palate will burst with happiness.”
She hesitated, so I stabbed one with the delicate little fork that accompanied the dish. “Open for Daddy, Antonia.”
She gave me the stink eye but did as she was told. I watched as her annoyed look altered to reflect the surprise she felt, then she smiled.
“Delicious, thank you, Daddy.”
I fed her the remainder of the appetizer, and she polished off the last one as Linda arrived with our cappuccinos. I handed her another hundred-dollar bill. Linda smiled gratefully and hurried away.
“Sir, can I ask why we are landing? I thought the flight was eighteen hours?”