Page 16 of Renegade

“There were lights,” he said. “Bright and different colors. I don’t know where they came from. I saw them outside my window and ran out. Never seen anything like it.”

My wolves picked up no dishonesty. He had no idea what they were. Neither did I. “I was deciding whether or not to investigate when I saw you.”

“Oh,” he laughed. “You let me risk my life. I see how it is.” He knocked my legs with his. My wolves tried to claw out of me—and to him. They sent me image after image of him stroking our wolf fur, both wolves.

They had serious delusions. I needed to find a way to let them out soon.

“It was lights, not a serial killer,” I scoffed. “Besides, I’ve been in enough trouble. The last thing I need is to get into more.”

He rolled his full bottom lip between his teeth. “Are you sure? You’re too beautiful to be trouble.”

Tingles zipped through my body at hearing his words. I’d never been called beautiful in my life. Trouble, yes. Beautiful. Not even close. “You don’t have to flatter me. I won’t tell anyone I saw you.”

“What’s your name?” he asked, ignoring my statement. My nostrils flared, taking in his scent, trying to empty the air around us of it. I’d never met a wolf who smelled like dark chocolate and roasted marshmallows, but this one did.

Slap two graham crackers on either side of him, and he’d be a s’more.


“I should’ve known you’d have a great name. It’s nice to meet you, Karelis.”

My cheeks heated up to lava levels hearing him say my name. My wolves had gone feral, and if I shifted into one of them, they would surely foam at the mouth.

He stuck out his hand. “I’m Blaze.”

“Blaze,” I repeated. I took his hand, intending for it to be a normal handshake, but the connection between our skin was anything but everyday. Searing heat traveled from my palm and veined out through my arm to my shoulder. I saw no reaction on his part, so I ignored the sparks.

Hardest thing I’d ever done.

“Yeah.” His phone buzzed. “I really have to go but I’ll see you around, okay?”

“Sure,” I muttered since my brain was misfiring and that was the only word I could think of. Well, I could actually think of a few. Sure. Sexy. Kiss. Enflamed thighs.

“Go to bed, please. Don’t want any monsters getting to you.”

Chapter Sixteen


“Yep, he’s right out there.” Adan pulled the door all the way open. “Guess he got the text.”

“Where do you think he went?” I was a little concerned. I shouldn’t be, but there were too many ways Blaze could get himself thrown out of school. And I wasn’t even sure where you’d go from there. After the Reject Academy? What was left? Rumors had it that there was another place…much worse and basically prison with educational add-ins. But I for sure did not want to find out about that!

Well…I did actually want more information.

But not by personally experiencing it. And I for sure did not want one of my friends to be the one informing us.

“I guess we’ll have to ask him.” Adan looked as cranky about the whole thing as I felt. He stepped out of the doorway and nodded at our returning suite mate. “So?”

“What?” Blaze came in and looked at us both. “I thought you’d both turned in for the night.”

“I came out for a snack and saw the door to your room open and no sign of you.” Adan tilted his head. “I was curious.”

“And he knocked on my door to ask me if I could satisfy that curiosity. But”—he shrugged—“I didn’t know, either.”

“Did you want to ask me where I went or just keep digging at me?” Blaze’s face was blank, giving away nothing. Did he have a secret he wanted to keep?

Only one way to find out. “Where were you?” Hell, I sounded more like his father than his friend.