Page 15 of Renegade


I let out a sigh, flopping over to my other side to try and get comfortable. June mumbled something in her sleep but soon resumed her soft snores. They didn’t bother me. It reminded me of home. The guards outside my door would often fall asleep on their shift, and a few would snore.

With eyes wide open, I made claws of my fingers and strangled the air in front of me, exhausted but knowing sleep wasn’t coming anytime soon.

If my brain would simply stop running through the night’s events, that would give me the respite I needed. Or, rather, stop thinking about those guys. First, there were the two I saw in the office, but clearly there was a third. One with platinum hair and I’d caught a glimpse of a killer smile.

I sat up and walked paces along the dorm room floor. Even with socks and pajamas on, I reached for a hoodie to help me warm up. Winter wasn’t in full force, but this place had a cold I suspected lingered between the seasons.

As I was taking slow, methodical steps, trying to tire myself at the same time as being quiet for my roommate to sleep, something in the bathroom mirror caught my eye. June had gone to the restroom in the middle of the night and left the door open. Whirling around, I saw the reflection of lights outside. And not the ones I’d seen in the common area before.

These glowed with a lavender hue I’d never seen before. Coming from the Light Kingdom, that was saying something.

I readied myself to go to the small window of our room and peek out but then hesitated. With the trouble I was already in, maybe I should mind my own damned business and keep a low profile. Running around with June was fun and all, but I hadmore to lose here than a chance at an education.

One of my wolves’ lives was on the table.

I tugged at the strings of my hoodie, trying to make a decision when I heard scurrying outside the door. I swung it open but didn’t dare step over the threshold, careful not to disobey one of the rules. But I caught sight of one of the guys.

They sure were active at night for people stuck in a place where discipline was mandatory. I watched as he took the stairs two by two and, before I could say anything, he was out of sight. Not that I would’ve known what to say.

Instead of going back into my room and having a wrestling match with sleep, one I would lose, I sat in the doorway with my back against the doorframe. I faced the stairs, hoping that not only would I see the guy with the shorter hair again but that maybe I could talk to him. Find out what was going on.

And his name. So I could stop referring to him as the shorter-haired guy in my mind.

June never stirred as I listened for any sound that might be him. I flicked my gaze between the window and the stairs. I was determined to see the guy or the lights again.

Pulling my knees up, I tugged the front of my hoodie around my legs since the draft in the hallway was worse than the chill in the room. June pulled her covers tighter against her neck in her sleep, but my wolves wouldn’t let me leave the spot.

They wanted to see him again, almost as much as I did.

I didn’t know what pull he had over me, but I had a hunch that meeting him wouldn’t make the invisible tether tear or break. I didn’t know their names or anything, but my wolves were hungry for knowledge about them and, so far, they hadn’t been curious about anyone before.

Night wanted to tear some people’s throats out, but that was it.

I sucked in a breath sometime later when I heard heavyfootsteps coming up the stone stairs. His shadow preceded him.

“Hey,” he said as he reached the top. His room must’ve been in the vicinity since I’d seen him before.

He knew where my room was now.

Probably didn’t matter to this male. He and his friends were beyond gorgeous and probably didn’t give any girls the time of day. Or gave it to all of them. Probably not freshmen.

And besides that, I wasn’t allowed a mate. The point had been driven into me time and time again as I came to the age where the others were meeting theirs. As long as I held onto my darker wolf, my life would be a reflection of that darkness. There was no mate for me. Not one and certainly not three.

Tell that to my wolves.

They were panting as the boy approached me with a lopsided smile. He wore jeans and a dark sweater and boots that were untied. He must’ve rushed to see what the lights were.

“Hey,” I said back. What a charmer I was.

“You saw that?”

“Saw what?” I quipped. No way he was getting information out of me that easily, no matter how cute he was. I’d learned my lesson about over-divulging long ago.

He chuckled and came to sit next to me. Not touching but close enough that I could feel warmth coming off him in waves despite the fact that he was outside only moments ago.

Again, I was assuming.