I hate this distance between us. Regardless, Cayden has to know whatever is going on with him and Andrew isn’t right. That man shouldn’t be treating him like that.
Even amidst the euphoria I’ve been living, my mind never strays too far from them.
Over and over again the thoughts repeat. Running rampant during my shift. Considering my patients are in the CCU, they’re both relatively stable at the moment. Vitals are strong and improving each day. Uncomplicated, thank God. They should be transferred to the step-down unit within the next few days if improvement continues.
My watch buzzes on my wrist. Landon’s game is starting. I can’t watch it in full, but I intend to check in during my breaks. The Bull Sharks are currently in Ohio playing Columbus. It’s their first game after All-Stars week.
I wish I could be there, but not this time. I can’t make it to all of the games, but I can manage two of his next away games.
It’ll serve multiple purposes. Scratching my itch to hop on a plane somewhere, get my fix of hockey, and allow me to squeeze in a little bit more time with my man.
Excitement fills me at the thought of surprising him. My flights are booked, and it honestly sucks I have to wait almost two whole weeks to see his reaction.
Luc helped me arrange tickets to the games. Landon’s friend is still finding ways to conspire and bring us together. I love it.
“What are you smiling about?” Belinda asks me. “You’ve been all smiles for a while now.”
I lean back in my chair, watching the screen, monitoring my patient’s vitals as they roll across the screen. “Well, if you must know, I’m smiling because I’m happy. That’s usually how it works, B.”
She sucks her teeth at me. “Boy, obviously. Now, what’s gotten into you?”
That changes my smile to a smirk. “You should be askingwho’sgotten into me.”
“Skylar Donovan!” She gasps like a scandalized maiden.
“You asked!” My smile radiates pure innocence.
“I didn’t need to know all that, hun.” She tsks.
I sniff at her, unbothered. “Well, his name is Landon.”
“Ooh, your friend Landon?”
“Yes, one and the same. We’re together now. And I really am happy, B.”
Her face softens, and she smiles. “I was just giving you shit. I’m glad you’re happy, hun. He lights you up. You’re practically glowing. That’s a rare and beautiful thing to find.”
About an hour or so later, I’m finally able to take a quick break to check in on the game. They’re tied zero to zero and it’s the first intermission.
I send Landon a text so he knows I’m following along and thinking of him, wishing I was there to support him.
Me: Keep up the good work on defense boys. You’ve got this.
A few hours later, I check back and see they’ve won. One to zero. A shutout for the win.
That game must have been amazing to watch. Maybe I can convince Landon to watch it with me tomorrow. He’ll be getting home super late this evening.
The team should actually be on their way to the airport by now.
A text pops up.
LTB: Almost to the airport. Want to come to my place when you get off or do you want me at yours?
He melts me into a puddle. I send him a string of emojis. No words. Melting emoji. Happy eyes filled with tears.
LTB: What’s that for?
Me: I’m being ridiculous. Forget it.