LTB: Skylar.
I cringe. Not Skylar. Oh nope. No sir.
Me: Nope. Who is this Skylar you speak of???
LTB: Sky.
Biting my lip, I smile. I love making him exasperated.
Me: It’s just expected for us to get together right when I get off work. I love it.
Me: I’m happy.
Me: That’s all.
LTB: Don’t downplay your emotions with humor.
Me:gasp!Did you just call me out?
LTB: Yup. Now pay attention.
Oh, hi, bossy Landon. My smile is huge.
Me: God, I love it when you get bossy. It makes my dick hard.
LTB: You have a one-track mind.
LTB: Mine or yours, Sky?
Me: Only where you’re concerned.
Me: Yours. It’s closer.
LTB: Now get your ass back to work.
I send him the saluting emoji and the winking kiss and get my ass back to work.
For the first time in ages, I don’t bother changing clothes in the locker room at the hospital. I’ll just snag a quick shower at Landon’s. Maybe he’ll even join me. Once I’m done with my end-of-shift reports, I grab my bag and fly out of there. Belinda shakes her head and smiles fondly at my rushing.
My man is waiting for me, okay?
It’s only been a little over a day since I saw him, but even that feels like too long.
Me: omw
I can’t be bothered to text more than those three letters.
He hearts the message.
When I get to his house, the garage door is already lifting in front of me. I pull in and park, leaving my bag in the back when I get out. My car is safe here, so I don’t even bother setting my alarm.
Opening the door, I walk straight into Landon’s kitchen. He’s sitting at the island, his sleeve of colorful swirls of ink on displayfor me to ogle. My man is shirtless. I can’t wait to press myself against all of that deliciousness. But first thing’s first.