Page 45 of Don't Look Down

Everyone, Luc especially cracks up at this. “Holy shit, Spence. What a visual. My imagination is too vivid for that.”

“Anyway. He’s right. None of the guys have ever outright treated me differently because I’m bi. Ass slaps still happen in the locker room as much as on the ice. Nobody thinks twice. Maybe it’s because I’ve never hidden it? I’m not sure, but I know other queer players who haven’t been as lucky.”

Oh. My. God.

“Speaking of! Do you remember the first time Addy came over while we were gaming?” Covering my face with my hands, I peek through my fingers at Landon Spencer. The first openly bisexual player in the NHL. Is there a hole that can swallow me up? “I questioned you so hard about if you were homophobic. I’m such an asshole. You must’ve thought I was such an idiot. Meanwhile, you’re literally a queer icon.” My hand flails around in his direction.

Their laughter surrounds me. Mostly Addy, since she most assuredly remembers what happened.

“I understood where you were coming from. It was a legitimate concern at the time.”

Luc says, “Oh, I need to hear this story.”

Addy takes the lead, while Landon and I fill in details from our perspectives. I have to admit, it’s funny now, but I still remember the icy fingers of dread that filled me. Expecting him to drop me the second he found out I’m gay. Been there, done that.

Thankfully, that didn’t happen.

The conversation flows easily throughout the rest of the meal. You’d think we’d all been friends for years with how well we mesh. A perma-smile is on my face. My cheeks hurt.

Time starts creeping up on us. It’s pretty late, and I still have to take Addy home unless she decides to crash at my place.

“It pains me to say this, but we should get going. I have to chauffeur this woman home.”

“Yes, please. I have a showing tomorrow at noon. I still have a few things to prepare in the morning. But we have to do this again.”

“For sure.” Luc smiles.

When the bill comes, Addy and I insist on splitting it, but Landon outright refuses. The only reason I don’t fight over it is because he concedes with, “you can pay next time.”

We’ve made it outside and are quietly chatting in front of the restaurant. During the next lull, I open my mouth because I just can’t miss this opportunity to drop a gem. “Listen, I’m seriously chill, but part of my brain is lowkey screaming, ‘holy shit, that’s Luc Leighton and that’s Landon freaking Spencer.’ One of the best D-men around-”

Landon’s eyes twinkle as he abruptly interrupts me. “Before you even say it, I’ll beat you to it, because I’m sure I know exactly where you’re going with this. I’ve heard it all. It’s kind of poetic that I’m a D-man who likes the D. Am I right?”

“Bah! Oh my god! Perfection! You get me!” I’m full-body laughing now. “It’s true, though.”

“Totally a happy accident.”

“Pure cosmic alignment. Alrighty, boys. We must go, but before we do, can we get a quick selfie? This night must be frozen in time.”

“Yeah, man, for sure,” Luc answers.

We all scrunch together, my arm extended in front of me. I can’t quite get the angle right. Addy giggles at my struggle. “Shut up. It’s not my fault these guys are too tall.”

My phone is snagged from my unsuspecting fingers. “I got it,” Landon tells me.

Damn, I love it when he takes charge. He can take charge of me any way he wants. Preferably, with a lot less clothes.

My wayward thoughts are interrupted by Landon’s soft order. “Everyone smile.” He presses the shutter button a few times. Huddling closer together over my phone, I scroll through the images.

“Aww, you guys! Look at us.” The smile on my face is so huge it’s hurting my face. What a night.

Addy reaches for my phone. “Gimme. You need a pic by yourself with Landon.”

Yesss, that would be perfection. Does he want one, though?I’m not one to cower or shy away, but I am definitely feeling shy when I meet his eyes and ask, “Would that be okay?”

He plucks my phone out of my hand yet again and passes it to Addy. This guy is going to make me spontaneously combust, I swear. Or cum in my pants. It’s a toss up.

Luc smirks at us from behind Addy’s shoulder. She’s not quite smirking, but she’s definitely smiling. We’re such a happy bunch.