Page 46 of Don't Look Down

“Alright, darlings, all done. I got some good ones. Now, we need to get going.”

When I reach for my phone, she pulls it out of range. “Nope. You can look later.”

“Ugh, fine. But I won’t forget you were being mean to me,” I sass.

She waves me away with a roll of her eyes. “Cry me a river. Now let’s go before I turn into a pumpkin.”

“Alright, I’m being forced to leave with this crazy lady, against my will, let the record show. Now, kiss kiss.” I gesture for Addy to say her goodbyes first. Addy hugs them and kisses their cheeks. Luc gives me a bro hug that melts me.Aww, I’ve been accepted into their tribe.In my mind, I wipe away an imaginary tear. My eyes meet Landon’s, and he opens his arms for me, repeating his actions from earlier.


Not one to miss an opportunity to press myself against his perfection, I hurry over.

“It was so great to meet you after all this time,” I say against his collarbone, where my face is currently nuzzled in. His scent fills my nose, and I swear my mouth waters. He smells divine. Edible. I’d bite that collarbone right now if I could get away with it.

My God, this man. I don’t want to let go. He’s so solid and warm. Comforting.

A throat clears, and I peel myself away from him. My lips curl in a gentle smile, and I squeeze his hand. “It’s insane how we live so freaking close to each other. I’m honestly a bit mind-blown by everything, but so, so happy we connected.”

Landon’s gaze is on our hands, fingers curled together. He flicks those gorgeous green eyes up to mine, then gently squeezes my hand. “Me, too, Sky. Send me those pictures when you get home and are settled. Talk soon. Drive safe.”



The next morning, I’m working my way through a few miscellaneous household tasks. We leave for Montreal tomorrow. As usual, my bag will be packed a day early. It’s a good thing that laundry and packing require minimal brain cells since my thoughts are otherwise occupied. Last night replays on a loop in my mind.

Over and over again. It’s so surreal. Meeting him in person. There’s no denying it now. Our digital connection wasn’t a fluke.

Sky’s laugh has always tickled me and made me smile. But experiencing it in person? It was truly special. He laughs with his whole body. He’s the type of person whose smile and laugh are contagious. They make you want to join in on the joke. It’s not just me. Leigh was smiling and laughing just as much as Addy and I were.

It’s a struggle not to focus on his looks. Practically an impossibility. He was mesmerizing. If I allow myself to examine my thoughts and my reaction to him, it’s obvious I’m attracted to him. Like,oh, shit, I’m-in-troublelevel attraction.

My thoughts are interrupted when my phone vibrates in my pocket. It’s Mom. I answer her on speaker so my hands are free to continue packing.

“Hey, Mom, how are you?”

Her voice is warm and happy, her smile audible. “Hi, honey, I’m good. That was a great game last night. Sorry, I couldn’t stay.”

“It’s alright. I’m just glad you were able to be there.”

“Hmm, you’re sounding so much better than the last time we spoke. What happened?”

I scoff into the phone, pretending I have no clue what she’s talking about. “Quit it. I can’t possibly sound any different.”

“Landon Spencer! Don’t try to bullshit your way out of this. Resistance is futile.”

She’s a mess. I’m also just giving her shit. It’s fun. “You’re such a nerd, Mom.”

“Mhm, we know this. Now, out with it, son.”

My inhale is shakier than it should be, considering how level and calm I feel. “Sky was at the game last night.”

Her screech echoes in my room, and I’m so grateful she’s on speakerphone and not directly mutilating my eardrum. “No way! Landon! You didn’t tell me. Does he live here? How did this happen? Did you meet him? How is he? Is he as nice in person as he is over the game chat thingy?”

My laughter is uncontrollable. “Game chat thingy? Jeez, Mom.” She’s rapid-firing questions at me like I have any hope in hell of answering them.

“Shut up. It’s not funny. Oh my God. Was he in the Bull Sharks box last night and I missed noticing a new face? Did I miss my chance to meet your new friend?”