“Holy fuck, LTB. Are you kidding me right now? We’ve been talking only online formonths,and we live so close to each other. It’s a tragedy of epic proportions! We should rectify this immediately.”
Holy shit.
I was hoping we’d get to this point, but Sky just jumped in headfirst. No look-before-you-leap with this one. He’s fearless.
And me?
I’m currently shitting a brick.
Hesitantly, I ask, “You want to meet me?” I’m fucking shaking. IknewI was right. This feeling in my gut has never steered me wrong. I knew down to the marrow in my bones that he was close.
I’m practically vibrating out of my skin with adrenaline, nerves, and pure excitement. I don’t think I’ve ever connected so strongly with anyone before, and it’ll be nice to see if that connection is stronger in person or if it’s just a fluke.
Don’t get me wrong, here. Mom, Savannah, and Leigh are my people. But this feeling is different, and I don’t know why. It’s inexplicable. Maybe I’ll finally find out when I meet him.
When. I. Meet. Him.
Apparently, I’ve decided we’re doing this.
“Ummm, yeah, of course,” he answers, and I can clearly hear thefucking duhimplied in his tone. It makes me smile. This one is full of sass. “We should catch a Bull Sharks game! That would be perfect, right?”
Fuck my life.
I should have seen that coming.
Because of course he’d suggest a hockey game. This guy. Now what the fuck do I say? How do I get out of this?
Maybe I don’t find a way out.
Could this actually work in my favor? Maybe I can surprise him somehow?
“Hmm, yeah, that’s a great idea, Sky. That works for me.”
“Ohmigod, Landon! How soon can we set this up? Shit, my brain is blanking on the schedule. But there’s got to be a home game that doesn’t conflict with my work schedule.”
“Ooh, maybe I’ll tag along to see if he’s as sexy as his voice,” Addy chimes in. “And also ensure he’s not an ax murderer.”
“Tell her she’s making me blush,” I say.
He snorts at me, but obediently repeats my words to her. She snorts in return. These two already know I’m full of shit.
“Such a bag of hoes, Adeline Marie. And Landon could never be an ax murderer. He’s a hockey fan.” As if that explains everything.
“Seriously, Sky. Loving hockey doesn’t prevent someone from being a killer or a flat-out shitty person.”
“Sure, whatever you say. I’ll believe it when I see concrete evidence, Addy.”
They’re about to start bickering again like children, so I quickly interrupt, “There’s two home games before the team flies out again. One tomorrow and one Saturday night. If one of those don’t work, we can plan for after the team returns. It’ll be almost two weeks by then because the first home game is on a Monday. And we know that won’t work because of your schedule.”
No slipups occurred, which is a miracle, considering how hard it is to refer to us as “the team” instead of saying “we” or “us.”
“Tomorrow. Can you make it tomorrow? If not, Saturday is definitely good for me. But it has to be either or. There’s no way I can wait two weeks. That’s way too far, and I’m way too impatient for that. Let me check for tickets now.” Rustling sounds through my headset when he starts shuffling around.
“Awesome, but don’t worry about it. I have a hookup, so I’ll take care of tickets. I’ll grab one for Addy, too, if she can make it, but she has to wear team merch or it’s a no-go.”
“Landon says you've gotta wear merch, babe. It’s a rule. Are you free tomorrow night and Saturday? He’s going to see which game he can get tickets to.” He pauses briefly before squealing with excitement. “Ahhh, she can join whichever day. This is going to be so much fun. Save my number so you can text me all the details.”