Page 33 of Don't Look Down

I grab my phone and open up a new contact. After I give him the go ahead, he rattles his number off. Studiously, I ignore my shaking fingers. Let’s pretend that isn’t happening, because if it’s not acknowledged, then it never happened. I save his contact as Sky’s The Limit, because I just can’t resist, then I send him a text so he can save my number, too.

“Yassss, LTB is now one of my contacts. We’re official, boo.”

“We sure are,” I return with a chuckle. “I’ll send you the details once I confirm which date I can get the tickets for.”

What an unexpected turn of events.



Don’t even ask me how I managed to focus the rest of the week, knowing I’d be meeting Landon in a matter of days. It’s hard enough to sit still normally, but it was impossible waiting for Saturday to roll around.

The excitement coursing through my veins had me antsy as hell. I wanted to take the edge off with a jump, but the weather hadnotcooperated at all. Instead, to burn some of the antsiness away, I’d gone on a cleaning rampage and dusted, scrubbed, and re-organized the whole townhouse.

Twice. And we can’t forget the music I’d blasted so I could shake my ass while I cleaned. That’s the only acceptable way to clean the house in my opinion. I have a playlist on my phone that I love to shuffle. Some freestyle, reggaeton, bachata, and a mix of rap, EDM, and techno dance music. My tastes are quite cultured and eclectic.

I’d had moderate success at burning away the excess energy.

Now, it’s finally Saturday afternoon and it’s almost game time. I’m about to be on my way to pick Addy up for thegame. She hates navigating event traffic, while it’s all part of the excitement for me.

Knowing everyone else is probably just as excited to see their team play as I am. Totally in my element in the crowd. It’s funny since traffic causes you, by default, to slow down, and I can’t stand slowing down. But in this case, it only enhances my excitement and the adrenaline running through my bloodstream like wildfire.

Since we plan to be there in time to watch pre-game warmups, we might actually avoid some of the traffic. We’ll see. Pulling my phone out, I type out a quick text. Because, yeah. Texting is our new normal. Who needs a game chat?

Me: Hey, LTB! I’m about to leave to grab Addy ??

Me: Where should we meet you? ??

LTB: Hey, so I’m going to be a bit delayed, but your tickets will be at will call. What’re your last names?

Uh-oh. That can’t be good.

Me: Donovan. Addy’s is Álvarez.

LTB: Perfect. Just give them your names at will call, then I’ll see you inside.

Me: Sounds good.

Good maybe, but is everything okay? I’ll just ask him so I don’t worry. Because Iwillworry.

Me: Everything okay?

LTB: Yeah, everything is great. Stop worrying. I’ll see you soon.

He knows me too well.

Me: Ok. See you soon!

Hmm. My spidey senses are tingling. Something is up, but at least he’s okay, I guess.

This is a bit weird, but I’ll just take him at his word. That’s all I can do at the moment. Maybe I’ll pry out what was up when we’re together later.

Holy crap. We’ll be meeting soon.

Shit, I need to get on the road.

I glance in the mirror by the front door, fluff my hair a final time, before snagging my keys and texting Addy I’m on my way. Let’s do this.