Page 112 of Don't Look Down

Mmm. Delicious.

Without a doubt, if I’m with Sky, I’m enjoying every moment.




The playoffs are right around the corner. The regular season is winding down. Our ticket to the playoffs is guaranteed at this point. It’s been our best season yet.

We can’t be complacent. Just because we made it this far, doesn’t mean we can take it easy.

We didn’t come this far, just to come this far.

We’re on a four-game winning streak. Two home games away from the end of the season.

My body is mostly in survival mode. Sleep, travel, hockey, Sky. Repeat. I barely know which way is up. And it’ll only get worse. As it is, I’m riding the edge of my limits. Stress is high and I need to get out of my head.

Sky has made it his mission to distract and occupy me whenever he can. And he’s been doing a great job, but that doesn’t fully satisfy the ache I feel for him. I miss him.

Leigh’s voice startles me.

“Huh?” My brow scrunches. I didn’t hear a word of what he just said.

“We’re already in the air and you didn’t freak out during take-off. You’re so gone for your guy, you didn’t even flinch. He makes you happy, bro.” He nods in approval. “I like it.”

I look around and notice the flight attendants are already walking around the cabin with the refreshment cart. Leigh’s right. I was so preoccupied with thoughts of Sky that I hadn’t even noticed take-off.

I’ll take the cure for aerophobia for one thousand, Alex. Holy shit.

Although, now that he mentioned it, my nerves try to rise up and choke me, but I work hard to breathe through it.

Focusing on my phone, I continue texting Sky. He’s made it his mission to text me as much as possible when I’m away, but especially when he knows I’m flying. He’s been extremely successful, apparently.

My muscles feel tight. Tensions are high, and I’m going to need my man to rough me up a little and take my ass. I need the head rush. The total loss of control.

We haven’t really dabbled in ass play for me. We’ve been more than happy playing with Sky’s, but today, I need it.

He’s going to be pleasantly surprised, but I may or may not have prepped for the occasion. I could feel the need rising with every passing day we’ve been on the road. I’ve been using my fingers to stretch and loosen me up a little. This athlete won’t be entering the game unprepared.

Anticipation rises, skittering along my nerve endings. Sky’s cock is so pretty; I can’t wait to feel it inside me. Feel his hips rocking in that sinful way.

I bite my lip to hold in the moan. Leigh already has enough ammunition to last a lifetime.

Sky’s the Limit: Why did the??go crazy?

Sky’s the Limit: Someone was messing with his head??????

How ironic. An eggplant emoji and a dick joke.

Put it in me coach, I’m ready.



Landon will be back today, and I can’t wait to cuddle my man and love all up on him. I’ve taken on a slew of extra shifts after traveling to his away games. I’m another level of exhausted since none of this is part of my regular routine. Working another shift always leaves me feeling a little discombobulated and out of sorts.