Page 113 of Don't Look Down

The Bull Sharks have officially clinched their way into the playoffs. Third overall in the Eastern Conference.

I’m beyond proud of them, and I can’t wait to take some time off and fly to as many games as possible. This is huge for Landon and the team, and I plan to stand by him as much as I can manage.

My shoulders sag on my walk to the employee lounge. A nap with Landon will work wonders. And sex. We can’t forget sexy times. I need him to sex me up in the worst way. Dick me down hard. I want him so bad, I swear I can feel him inside me already.

Swallowing a moan, goosebumps rise on my skin and my dick tries to perk up.

Patience, Sky. Be patient a little longer.

I open my locker and grab my bag. These scrubs need to go. STAT. They’re not touching my car. After a quick shower, I hurriedly pull on my joggers. My t-shirt is halfway over my head when my phone vibrates on the bench behind me. I don’t even glance at the screen, expecting it to be Landon. Completely forgetting it’s still a little too early for his flight to have landed.

“Hey, babe.” Silence greets me. I finish pulling my shirt on, then glance at the screen and see that it’s Andrew.

That’s odd. After over a month of cold shoulders? From both him and Cayden?

Okay, I’ll play this game.

I hold my cell between my ear and shoulder so I can finish pulling my shoes on and packing my shit up. “Shit, sorry, Andrew, I thought you were Landon.”

I need to get home.Now.

That’s what I’m feeling. It’s a living entity coursing through my veins.

It feels like ages since I’ve seen Landon, and adding to it, this last shift had been utter shit. We’d lost a patient. Emotional turmoil fills me like a pressure cooker.

“You there, Sky?” Andrew’s voice catches my scattered attention. Fuck. I’d zoned out just that fast. Packing my bag on autopilot, starting the trek to the employee garage, completely forgetting I had answered the call. Hot mess express, at your service.

“Shit, sorry, yes. I’m a space cadet right now. Just finishing a double shift. What’s up?”

“Perfect timing then. I’m glad I caught you. Let’s set up a jump soon. I miss you out there.”

Is he fucking serious right now? I look at my phone in confusion. This is sounding like the old Andrew. Not the creepy Andrew who wants to eat me alive. Okay, definitely seeing wherethis goes then. And if he acts creepy one more time, I’ll confront him, for sure.

No more letting that shit slide. Their wedding is way too close for him to try anything. And I won’t hold back anymore. He gets too close for comfort, then treats me like gum on his shoe? We’ll see about that.

“Yesssss.” I let the excitement leak out in my voice, anger left simmering on the back burner for now. “Just what I need. I’m totally antsy for it. When?”

“Nothing concrete, but maybe your next day off?”

“God, yes. Pretty please. That would be nice. I’ll find something that works, and we’ll make it happen. Honestly, my schedule has been super crazy what with the playoffs and trying to get to as many of Landon’s games as possible. The NHL schedule is grueling.” I sigh. “Our days together pass so quickly. It’s crazy.”

“I get it, man. Cayden’s jobs are mostly local, but when he’s away, it’s not easy. Nothing like a professional athlete’s schedule, but I can still empathize.” His voice is soft and kind.

This conversation is reminding me of the old Andrew.

I really did miss my friend. Maybe we were all seeing something that wasn’t there?

After closing my car door, I start the engine. I wait for the Bluetooth to connect the call to my speakers, then tuck my phone away.

“Who knew relationships make you crave more time with someone? Who am I even?” I ask him. “Like, really?”

Andrew laughs with me. “Right?”

It’s no secret amongst my friends that I love sex. I’ve never been shy about that fact. Looking for a forever guy has never really been exciting to me. Relationships and commitments? Not Sky. At least not theoldSky. New Sky could actually get used to this.

Correction: has gotten used to this, is loving it here and has the t-shirt to prove it.

More accurately, I have thejerseyto prove it.