Page 139 of The Men of Sea View

“I was never comfortable until I met Alison. She’s been through so much, and she’s always herself. She encouraged me to go for it. And Sea View felt safe enough.”

“That’s wonderful. I think the street has the same effect on me.”

“Your table is gorgeous, Kassandra. I want to do something like this, but Alison thinks everyone will judge us.”

“No. You need to do what is right for you and your family, and if you have the gift of hospitality, put it to use.”

There was a tap on his shoulder. “Max.” He turned to Ryan’s outstretched arms. “Love you, man.”

“I love you, too, Ryan,” Max said, hugging Ryan.

“Kassie, the food is getting cold,” Tony called out.

“Okay, let’s eat!” Kassandra announced, feeling happy and redeemed. She leaned over to Max, whispering, “Thank you, sweetheart.”

“For what?”

“I’ll tell you someday.”

He winked, smiling.

The meal was delicious, and Kassandra received enough accolades to squelch her earlier misery. Everyone pitched in to clean up.

“This is why two dishwashers,” Pam said, pointing.

“I keep forgetting this kitchen is your design!” Kassandra said.

“Football on the sand?” Dan yelled.

“I’ll change into my other clothes,” Max said, grabbing a bag.

“Let’s go!”

Men and children filed out the door to the beach. Betsy was the only woman to join in.

“None of the women are brave enough to play but Betsy,” Will said.

“Everyone else has kids,” she answered, waving.

“I’m going out in a minute, as soon as everyone has their coffee,” Pam said. “I can run faster than all those dudes.”

The women and babies inside sat in the great room, with its extensive view of the beach, to watch. Pam had taken over hosting, circling the room with a tray of coffee, and Kassandra was happy to relinquish it.

The doorbell rang mimicking a classic fire bell, guests holding their hands over their ears.

“God, that awful racket,” Pam said. “I tried to talk Igor out of it.”

“I keep meaning to disconnect it,” Kassandra said, getting up to answer.

Walking down the hallway to the front door, she could hear the other women chattering happily, and the screams of the players on the beach. This was her party, and it made her happy that everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves so much.

She opened the door with a smile on her face, but the next seconds were surreal.


“Happy Thanksgiving, Kassie. Can I come in?”

“I have a house full of guests,” Kassandra said.