Page 140 of The Men of Sea View

“Angie is waiting in the car.”

“Oh, for God’s sake.”

“She wasn’t invited to dinner, and neither was I, so we thought we would crash. We were down at Andy’s, but no one is home there.”

“He’s here,” Kassandra said, stepping aside. “I’m almost afraid to ask where Igor is.”

“He’s got a new girlfriend. Another old broad,” Janine explained. “They’re eating at her daughter’s house.”

“And you couldn’t go there?” Kassandra remarked.

“Angie doesn’t like her. Can I ask her to join me?” Janine asked.

“I want to say no, but go ahead. This is so rude.”

Janine shrugged and walked down the path to the driveway, waving Angie in. She looked over her shoulder at Kassandra. “You’re not showing yet.”

“It’s early. Only a few weeks.”

“Tony seems over the moon.”

The women walked to the door together.

“He does? Why would he be with you if he gave a rat’s ass about me or this baby?”

“Kassie, Tony doesn’t care about me. He’s a user, okay? He loves you. Don’t ditch him because of me, please.”

“She’s right,” Angie said. She glanced up at the façade of the house. “So, you bought my dad’s house.”

“I bought it and gave him the money. You’ll get your share.”

“I doubt there will be anything left by the time he dies,” Angie said. “Oh, is Dan Chua here? He’s the lawyer my father saw about changing his will.”

“He’s in a football game out on the beach.”

The women entered the house, commenting about its beauty.

“I’m getting into that game,” Angie said, heading for the terrace doors before Kassandra had a chance to introduce her around. “I want to tackle that attorney.”

“I’m going, too,” Janine said. “Tony will probably have a shit fit, but too bad.”

The pair waved to the women sitting in the great room before leaving for the sand.

Kassandra shut the door and then looked up at the waiting crowd. “That’s Tony’s sister and his mistress.”

“I thought I recognized Janine from TV,” Sandra said. “What a ho.”

“Why’d you let her in?” Lisa asked.

“Why not? I’m so tired of it, I think I’ll just allow everything to fall into place where it may. You can’t control anyone else but yourself.”

“It will be interesting to see how this unfolds. I want to punch her in the nose,” Alison said.

“Me, too,” Lisa said. “I was just in the same place a couple of weeks ago. No offense to Betsy. What about you, Mother?” she asked, a devious grin on her face.

“You all know exactly what I would do,” Pam said. “Embrace her.”

“Oh, ugh,” Laura said. “No way.”