Page 160 of The Men of Sea View

“It’s time for the egg hunt!” Betsy cried.

Lisa watched from the sun porch as her family chased around the beach, finding treasure. Soon, Alison’s children joined in the fun. Alison stood outside on the beach, hugging her coat around her. Max arrived, carrying the littlest one. They didn’t approach the door to see Lisa.

“I have no desire to go out there and schmooze,” Lisa said to Daniela. “I must be ready to pop because I’m disgusted with everyone. Even my mother, who didn’t bring a thing for my kids.”

“Give Miss Pam a chance. Hocus said she’s getting a big dinner ready to bring down.”

“Oh, jeez! It’s probably ham, too, and I’m not in the mood for that.”

“Let her bring dinner, and I’ll fix you whatever you want.”

The day unfolded like that, Lisa’s immediate family doing for her, entertaining her children, making sure they had filled Easter baskets, and her mother supplying a five-course dinner.

At six, Zach called to wish Lisa a happy Easter.

“It’s nuts today,” he said. “A house fire, two heart attacks, and a multi-vehicle accident on the LIE.”

“Ugh. If you’re in the vicinity and want a ham dinner, stop by.”

“I didn’t think you ate pork,” Zach said.

“I don’t, but my mother can’t get it through her head.”

“Did the kids have a nice day?” he asked.

“Ryan and Betsy took care of it,” Lisa answered. “Betsy dressed up like the Easter Bunny.”

“That was nice of Betsy. She’s really turning out to be a team player.”

“It’s probably the nurse in her,” Lisa said.

“She’s a nurse?” Zach asked.

“I thought for sure you knew that.”

“She looked familiar. I bet I’ve seen her in the emergency room.”

“Probably. That’s where Ryan met her.” She stifled a yawn. “I think I’m going to bed early tonight. When’s your next day off?”

“Tomorrow. I’ll talk to you then.”

“Okay, Zach. Tomorrow it is.”

Lisa ended the call and pushed herself up from the couch.

The nannies were in the children’s rooms, helping them get ready for bed. Lisa went back to say goodnight and tuck everyone in.

“Mom, do you want me to stay with you tonight?” Megan asked, sitting up in bed with a concerned look on her face.

“Not tonight, sweetheart. I can barely keep my eyes open.” She hugged Megan. “You know we’ll stay up talking.”

“I know. I love you, Momma.”

“Love you, Megan.”

Getting to her room took every ounce of energy Lisa had. She wanted to push her daughter over in her bed and curl up next to her, breathe in her familiar scent, and fall asleep.

Instead, she got into the shower and then into clean sheets. Deep sleep came quickly.