“It’s so barbaric,” Lisa said, frowning. “I don’t want to think about Good Friday, either. No wonder we had nightmares growing up, listening to that.”
Nancy grimaced and then crossed herself. “Jesus’s death on the cross saves us from eternal damnation. In the name of the Father and the Son and Holy Spirit, amen.”
“Ugh!” Lisa grunted and grabbed her belly, bending over.
“Mom!” Megan cried.
“Missus, you okay?” Nancy asked, running around the corner.
“Too much crucifixion talk for me,” Lisa said, limping over to the counter. “Megan, get something to eat.”
“I’m not hungry.”
“Eat.” Lisa climbed on the stool, rubbing her belly. “I don’t think it’s labor. I might have pulled a muscle.”
The children came out, dressed and ready to eat, and Lisa forgot about her pulled muscle. It was going to be a stress-free day. The residents of Sea View had decided to play Easter by ear. The weekend before, a group of them had gathered in front of Lisa’s house to debate.
“We can always meet for a volleyball game,” Dan had said. “Ryan wants to stretch the net now that the weather is better.”
“What about dinner?” Laura had asked.
“Everyone eat at home, like we did at Christmas,” Sandra had said. “Then we can get together later for coffee. Bring your own, that is.”
“I don’t mind having something outside,” Lisa had said.
“You’re nine months pregnant. You’re not hosting Easter dinner, and you noticed no one else is offering. I think the time has come to stop with the big family meals.”
Now, on Easter Sunday, Lisa had regrets about not planning something. She had bought the baskets and given them to Betsy to fill.
“No one invited our kids for an Easter egg hunt,” she whispered. “I’ll call Ryan.”
“Sit on the couch, and we’ll bring you breakfast,” Daniela said. “I recognize that look.”
“That’s what I said!” Megan cried. “Look! Her cheeks are red, and she’s breathing hard.”
“You guys, I know when I’m in labor. This is far from it. I’m not due for two weeks.” Lisa got out her phone and pressed call under Ryan’s name.
“What’s up, beautiful?”
Huffing, Lisa wasn’t in the mood. “No one did a thing for Easter. We’ve done baskets and egg hunts for every kid in a five-mile radius ever since I moved in here, and nothing today for my kids. I’m pissed! And the kids are looking around for candy. There’s not even a jellybean in this place.”
“We’ll be right over,” he said. “Betsy went nuts at the store, but we were going to have you come here.” He paused. “Megan called and said she thinks you’re in labor.”
Lisa pressed her phone against her belly and hissed at Megan. “I’m going to beat you.”
“Mom, he should know. I’m scared.”
“You have nothing to be scared of. I’ve done this four other times. I think I know my body.” Then she said to Ryan, “When are you going to come?”
“We’ll be hiding eggs for a bit. I got stuff for Alison’s kids, too.”
“Ryan, I’m not up to having her crew in the cottage. Keep it outside, and if they want to go in, take them to your house.”
“Will do. Sit tight.”
In five minutes, Betsy and Ryan were poking around the outside of the house, hiding plastic eggs filled with candy. Daniela stood at the door to the sun porch, refusing to let anyone get by her to look out the window.
Soon, Betsy was at the door in a mangy Easter Bunny costume. The littler kids screamed with delight, and Lisa laughed.