Page 13 of Take the Bait

The click of the bathroom door is faint but I am so silent it's easy to hear. I want to scream in protest as I remove my hand from my cock, turning back to the hot spray of water and rinsing the soap from my body.

My eyes flutter open, my internal alarm slowly easing me out of sleep.

This isn't my bed.

How did this blanket get on top of me?

I must have fallen asleep on the couch, my body not used to the lack of sleep, my routine turned on its head from Ashton's arrival. A tingle in my bladder has me getting up from my warm, comfortable nest. I take the time to fold the blanket, draping it back over the back of the couch where it belongs. My feet move me quickly to the bathroom, the weight in my bladder becoming urgent. The door is shut and I can see a sliver of light coming from under it.

Shit, Ashton must be in there.

I place my cheek against the door and I can hear the shower running. It's not ideal, but I am going to piss my pants if I don't get to a toilet and fast.

I turn the knob slowly, waiting for any opposition coming from the other side of the door. If he is in the shower, he won't even know I am in there. In and out, super quick and super quiet. I tiptoe as if he can hear me over the roar of the shower raining down on him. The soft blue of the walls can barely be seen through the steam that hangs heavy in the air, like it's a foggy summer night in here. The toilet seat is already up and I try and remind myself that he had the door shut and wasn't expecting me to come in here so it's not technically breaking the rules. Not to mention, what I am doing now is for sure against our roommate agreement. I'm sure he was planning to shut it before he left the bathroom.Stop micromanaging him Mel and do what you came in here to do.

I pull down my shorts and panties and sit. The seat is warm from the sauna-like conditions. The relief is instant as I release my bladder, my hands planted on my knees and my body feeling lightheaded already from the heat in here. That reminds me, we need to have a chat about using the exhaust fan if he is going to have the water hot enough to make a rainforest climate in our small bathroom.

The toilet paper feels damp from the humidity and it makes it harder to unravel. I am still trying to rip off a section when the water clunks off and I just about jump off the toilet.

Shit, shit, shit.

That was a fast shower. Then again, I don't know how long he was in here before I crashed the party. I almost have my pants pulled up over my knees when he whips open the shower curtain and his whole body is on display in front of me.

Thankfully, he is rubbing the water from his eyes and hasn't seen me yet. The water clings to his tanned and toned skin, a few drops sliding down the chisel of his abs until it hits the curly patch of hair at the apex of his legs.Holy shit, I'm looking at his dick.I try to move my eyes to anywhere but his body but everywhere my eyes lock onto is Ashton.

I felt his erection through his pants before but man those pants hid his size well. His penis hangs between his legs like a pole fishing in the sea, his cock bait for my vagina that hasn't seen action in too long, and he is about to hook me if I stay in here much longer.

With his arms up around his face, I can see how muscular they truly are. His biceps look to be the size of softballs and I can't help but think how they would feel with my arms wrapped around them. I felt some of his body when he had me pinned against the wall in Galactic but this is a chance for my eyes to have a feast. I take him all in and sayfuck itto the voice in my head that tells me to get out of here fast.

I manage to get my pants buttoned and, out of habit, flush the toilet without thinking. The whooshing sound of water getting sucked down the drain has his hands freezing before dropping them from his face. I can't move, I can barely breathe and I also can't look away.

"I feel like this might break a roommate rule or two sweetheart," he says, not bothering to cover his bare naked body. Then again, it's not like I didn't already examine every inch of it anyways, covering himself now would be pointless.

My hand shoots up to cover my eyes, playing the part that I didn't notice him when he opened the curtain. It's my only hope to break the awkward tension in the air dancing with the steam and sexual tension. There is drool practically running down my chin.

"I'm so sorry, I really had to pee and thought I would be out before you were done. I didn't, ummm ..."

"Don't lie, Melanie, I saw you looking. We live together now, I doubt it will be the last time you see me naked."

His words hit me. He knows I was looking and he doesn't seem mad about it. In fact, it almost sounds like he is counting on it happening again. Maybe even hoping for it.

"It won't happen again," I snap, handing him the towel that is sitting on the sink before scurrying out of the bathroom. I accidentally slam the door on my way out in my rush to get out of there, the mental image of him standing there naked now a permanent slideshow in my head.

I hid in my room until I heard Ashton leave, I'm assuming he was going to work. There was a lot of banging from the kitchen and I was afraid to venture out there. Except when he left, I emerged from my room and saw that he was doing all of the dishes that he left the night before, the counter now completely clean. He even put them away. Only time will tell if he put them back where he found them, but it's the thought that counts right?

My sleep rhythm is already screwed up so I decided to come into the hospital earlier than my scheduled shift knowing damn well they can always use an extra set of hands. I stop by the cafeteria before getting sucked into the pit, my stomach angry that I didn't feed it since I was too busy hiding like a smuggled box of candy at the movie theater. It's close to noon which means the breakfast menu has been replaced with the savory tastes of lunch. The onset of winter has me craving soup. The chicken noodle is to die for here - the veggies fresh and the broth made in-house to eliminate any unnecessary chemicals or processed ingredients for our patients.

I sit at the table closest to the window - the same one Darren and I sit at when our shifts line up and we can eat together. The steam twists into the air from the hot bowl, and when I blow on it, it scatters before coming back to its original dance just above the surface. My eyes follow it and I get lost in a trance.

Until my eyes catch sight of Andrew sitting at a booth across the room. His hands are tangled with a woman's, but she is wearing street clothes so I don't know if she works here or not. She doesn't look familiar, I would remember hair as vibrant red as hers, the curls tangling perfectly around her face.

They are smiling at each other. Not dying of laughter, but rather exchanging an intimate grin like they are reliving a moment shared only between the two of them. His thumb strokes across the back of her hand and back again. I guess he wasn't lying when he told me he was seeing someone and it was getting serious. The way he is looking at her with such affection, it's a look he never gave me. Not that I expected that from him, we both knew what we were getting into when we started fooling around. That doesn't make it hurt any less.

I swirl my spoon around in the bowl, bringing my eyes back to the empty chair across from me. Melanie, party of one. When you never let anyone close, this is what your life looks like: eating sad soup in a chair across from emptiness. This is the life I wanted, the one where I'm not tied down to anyone. Where no one has the power to break my heart because they never get to see it.

It doesn't negate the fact that I have needs though. And Ashton being in my house - licking my fingers and being naked in my bathroom - isn't helping. He is tempting me and I don't know how to balance that with the rules in my head telling me that I can't have him. Not even just in my bed.

I need a distraction, which is why I need to be here. To be working. To feel like I have a purpose doing something. Anything to keep my mind off the kitty in my pants that refuses to stop purring every time I see Ashton.