Page 14 of Take the Bait

My appetite has vanished. I make my way towards the dish return, glancing back towards the happy couple right before they share a kiss.

Melanie walking into the bathroom while I was in the shower could have gone horribly wrong had I decided to ease the tension in my balls. Thankfully I had decided against it, but if she had walked in on me with my hand around my cock and thoughts of her behind my eyes, it would have been hard to let her walk out of there without touching her. Without seeing if the sight of me pleasuring myself made her panties damp between her thighs.

And now that the boundary has been crossed, it will take an army to get me back over to the other side. I can't stop thinking about her, which is starting to get out of hand since my foreman has yelled at me four times already today to move shit. My shift is almost over and then I can go home and daydream about Melanie's hand around my cock in peace. I know she has rules, but if she broke one rule this morning, I am desperate to see how many rules I can get her to bend.

When I was cooking my breakfast this morning, all I could think of was her finger in my mouth and putting her ass on the counter so I could taste more of her. Doing the dishes was a distraction to keep my dick from breaking through my pants and charging into her room. That's where she was hiding from me, and honestly that's the only place she was safe from me tracking her down and finishing what we started last week before we knew each other's name.

The whistle of quitting time rings out in the distance and I turn the key to the OFF position on my machine, the evidence of how distracted I have been clear from how clean my pants look today from the lack of work I did. I climb off the rig, banging my boots one at a time against the bottom step in an effort to get any remaining dirt out of the treads.

"Reeve," my buddy Ryan comes running over to me. Ryan operates another one of the large machines on site. The two of us started around the same time and trained together. You know what they say - mutual torture brings people together. We bonded over our shared confusion about what the hell we were doing, and eventually we both caught on.

"What's up?" I ask without stopping my path to where my car is parked just outside the work zone outside the fence perimeter.

"Me and some of the guys are going to hit up Orion tonight, wanna join us?"

The invitation is one that I have gotten many times and the answer is always the same - hell yes. It was a similar invitation that landed me at Orion the night I met Melanie. I know better than to get those fucking wings again tonight. I feel like I want to go home to get a glimpse of Melanie when she comes home. Or maybe accidentally run into her in the bathroom, but on purpose this time.

Orion isn't just a bar, it's also a restaurant pub type of thing. But we go there to sit in the lounge area, playing pool and bullshitting about our day. It's not like I can even order a beer while I'm there, stuck sneaking nips in my pockets to take when no one is looking. The alcohol could help keep my mind off her, at least until I get home and smell her on the couch pillows or imagine her in every corner of the apartment.

"Fuck it, why not. Are you guys going home to clean up first, or hoping the 'grungy working man' look helps you pick up a chick that will use you to get back at her dad?"

"Nah, keeping the dirty look so she knows I'm not the type to clean up and impress anyone." We share a laugh, knowing damn well that strategy has worked for both of us in the past.

I climb into my car, turning the key and edging the engine to come to life. She is stubborn as all hell, but after enough coaxing she lets out her normal squeak. At this point, if the noise wasn't there I would be more worried. I follow Ryan out of the parking lot, two other coworkers pulling out behind me, creating a convoy to the bar.

We all park in a row when we arrive, the four of us walking in together and finding a high-top near the pool tables. Everyone else orders a beer and I ask for an order of soft pretzels with beer cheese. It's the closest I can get to being served alcohol and I'm pretty sure the alcohol content is boiled out of the cheese anyway. As soon as the waitress walks away, I pull a Fireball nip from my pocket and drink it in one gulp, the burn of the spicy cinnamon heating my throat on its descent.

"Oh, you gotta try the ghost pepper wings," Ryan tells Tony, who didn't come out last week when we tried them because his kid had a thing at school. At the mention of the wings, Melanie invades my mind for what feels like the thousandth time today. Man I wish I could take back eating those damn wings. If I hadn't, maybe things would be different.

I would have had the chance to show her how good I can make her feel.

She would know how I feel deep inside her, hitting every one of her favorite spots.

And I wouldn't be wishing that I could jerk off enough times to erase her whimpers from my memory.

"Don't do it dude, trust me. If you are hoping to hook up tonight, stick to pretzels and mozzarella sticks." I warn, hoping none of them ask me to elaborate more on my statement. The situation last week was embarrassing and it's bad enough that Melanie was a part of it. Those first moments are ones that I can never get back.

The three of them stare at me unblinking, as if waiting for me to keep going with the story but I won't be doing that. I'm not one to kiss and tell, at least not with specifics. I brag from time to time about things I have crossed off my sex bucket list, but I don't divulge specifics or who I did those things with.

"Come on, Ash, just tell us. Men sharing stories is a natural part of life. You withholding information is dooming us to whatever bullshit happened to you."

I think about it for a second before the alcohol in my system decides to press forward with the details.

"Fuck, alright fine. You know how hot sauce makes your lips all tingly and like they are on fucking fire?" I ask, instantly getting nods in response. "Now imagine that happening to another part of the body with the same name but only on a woman."

Their jaws drop open in unison as if they are on a Saturday morning cartoon, the realization of what I just described sinking into their heads.

"You spicy fingered a chick? What the fuck, Reeve." Tony laughs at my misfortune, the confession sounding more amusing now than it was when I was living through it. Tony is one of the engineers for the project and is a stickler on the job site for being clean.

"Like I said, take my word for it and skip the fucking wings."

We keep shooting the shit for a while, the story of what happened to me quickly being buried under the latest conquest stories from the rest of the guys. The waitress flirts with all of us, popping her ass out when she leans against our table, acting like she needs to lean this far over to hear our orders. She doesn't. Tony is leaning into it and I don't doubt that he will try and get her number before we leave. He whispers into her ear and it brings a smile to her lips, this one seeming more genuine than the fake grins she has been flashing us all night. She swings her hips as she walks away, stealing another glance at him over her shoulder as she goes.

"You lucky dog you, she looks like she will be a lot of fun," Ryan tells Tony, punching him in the arm in support.

After a few minutes, the waitress comes back over with our check and a to-go box in hand.

"These are for you," she explains, giving me herfuck meeyes.