Page 12 of Take the Bait

What the fuck was that?

I take in a deep breath, no longer restricted by his proximity and my legs buckle, lowering me back into my chair. Suddenly my appetite is gone for pizza, but I feel like I'm starving. Starving for a taste of Ashton, a helping of whatever he can give me, a four course meal that only consists of him.

My fork pushes around the remaining pieces of pizza on my plate, no longer shining with the warm cheese but rather the cheese forming dull peaks of white.

I pull open the drawer with the plastic bags inside, grabbing two of the largest size along with the marker that's tucked in the front against the drawer facade. I write my name on one, and Ashton's on the other. Once the slices are divided into our corresponding bags, I zip them closed and place them on opposite sides of the shelf in the fridge. I hate wasting food, but I can't stomach any more pizza right now so I scrape the last few cut up pieces into the trashcan before washing my plate.

The rhythm of washing a plate is almost like meditation, round and round the cloth goes. I watch the water run down the plate, bringing the last few bubbles with it down to the drain. Once the water runs clean, I turn off the faucet and grab a towel, running it in the same circle that the washcloth danced along.

When I scrub in at work, I am methodical about how I wash my hands. It's nice to not have to feel like I need the same attention to detail when I wash dishes at home. Life or death is a lot less likely when it comes to plates and forks. The pressure is lighter, almost weightless. I am thankful for the distraction before I make my way into my room where I can lay and stare at the ceiling, wondering if Ashton will touch me with his tongue again soon.

Do I want him to? The damp panties now in my hamper are all the answer I need.

Holy shit. I wasn't thinking of what would happen if we danced on that line between sexually-charged and casual flirting, but the line has been crossed. It was crossed when we first met and the more time I'm around her, the more intense it gets. How the hell am I supposed to live with her?

My dick is about ready to punch through a fucking concrete wall and the last thing on my mind is this pizza. It's delicious, but so is Melanie and that's the real dinner I am craving now. I sit on the end of my bed, the slice of pizza in one hand and my hair in the other, my fingers tangled in it out of habit. Some might call it a nervous tick, but Melanie doesn't make me nervous. How I'm affected by her does though. Everything about her keeps pulling me in for more, even her thinking that it's perfectly acceptable to eat pizza with a fucking fork.

Who does that?

My lips turn into a smile thinking about how she sat so proper, cutting into her slice and making dainty pieces. I didn't think she would take my dare and when she did, part of me wondered how often she willingly takes orders. She played the dominant vixen at the club, but tonight I saw a submissive side from her. The idea that she can switch back and forth with that power dynamic has my cock throbbing in my pants.


I don't know how sound proof these walls are and I need to relieve the pressure that has been building since I found out she was my new roommate this morning. I put the crust of my pizza slice in my mouth, biting down on it just enough that I can adjust my cock. There is precum making my boxers stick to me and once it is on my finger, I can't stop imagining Melanie licking it from there. Or licking it straight from the head, kneeling in front of me like an obedient pet.

I wipe my fingers against the inside of my pants and pull the pizza from my mouth, biting down all the way this time and ripping off a bite. My back hits the bed as I chew, my pants erecting a tent that could sleep a family of eight. I let out a groan. This living situation might be tougher than I anticipated, considering I didn't think there would be any issue rooming with a chick that had a few rules.

But it's different now.

Now that I know it's Melanie - the girl from the club that dragged me into the bathroom and took control before abandoning me there - everything has changed.

Redemption is an interesting thing, and something I have never wanted until now. I am desperate to prove to her that I can show her a good time. That I can rock the panties right off her. The challenge now is getting her to bend the rules just enough that I get a chance to.

Waking up this morning with wood was even more painful than last night. I still can't figure out how to masturbate with this new situation. I'm worried she might hear me through the walls, or echoing in the bathroom if I do it in the shower. I feel like a teenager trying to hide from my family while I navigate my new hormones. I am suffering in silence, attempting to be celibate for the first time in almost a decade. It's rough and I already feel like I need a cigarette to take the edge off. It's only four in the morning, but I won't be able to get my mind off my dick until I get a drag of nicotine in my system.

I climb off my mattress and pull a sweatshirt over my head. The pack of smokes is in my work vest, which is out in my car. It's perfect because it means I can sit in my car instead of standing out in the cold November morning air.

I'm surprised to see a light glowing from the living room. What is she still doing up?

After I take a quick piss, I make my way down the hall. My feet are quiet thanks to years of sneaking out as a rebellious teenager. At first I don't see Melanie, her body curled tightly into a ball on the couch. There's a book on the floor close to where her hand dangles off the edge. I lean over to pick it up, placing it on the coffee table. It is freezing in here. I know the first thing I will be proposing at the roommate meeting is turning up the damn heat. I will pay the difference, I don't give a shit. I pull the blanket off the back of the couch, draping it over her like the sweet guys always do in movies.

The ember burning on the end of my cigarette does nothing to warm me up, but the nicotine surging into my bloodstream is working wonders taking my mind off the tightness in my balls. I savor every drag, taking it slow unlike when I get a smoke break for work and have three minutes to inhale as much as I can before they beckon me back to whatever machine I am working on that day. I was amazed when I first started working for this company that they would put me in charge of so many machines that could kill someone if I pushed the wrong lever. Something about me must seem trustworthy, or at the very least like I will watch out for other workers on site. The pay is good and other than the chance of killing someone, the stakes are low which means so is the stress level.

My cigarette gets low enough that I can feel the fiery warmth on the ends of my fingers where it sits between them. My shoulders are relaxed and my hard on has retreated, the blood finally returning to my brain. The clock in my car glows that it is now quarter to six, but it's been an hour off since the last time we had daylight savings. I should have just enough time to cook breakfast and shower before heading into work.

The headlights of my car flash when I click the lock button on the remote before I re-enter the apartment building, providing just a hint of light while the sun begins to rise. I shut the door of the apartment as quietly as I can, an even quieter rumble of snoring can be heard from the couch.

Fuck, I forgot she was sleeping in the living room. I'm not that much of a dick that I would start banging around in the kitchen to cook myself something while she is sleeping right there. I decide to take a shower first and maybe by the time I am done, she will be awake and I can make some breakfast. Last resort: I will grab a donut or something on the way to the job site and hope that holds me over until break time.

Being a bigger guy means I need larger meals to keep my body energized. Having a job that is labor-intensive keeps me in shape without needing to go to the gym on a regular basis. My brothers say I am lucky that I still have the metabolism of a teenager and they probably aren't wrong considering I am still a fucking teenager. I won't be able to use that excuse for much longer though, I will be turning twenty in a few weeks. That reminds me, I need to talk to Melanie about the possibility of having some friends over for my birthday. I'm still not legal to drink alcohol at a bar or anything, so a house party is the only way I can celebrate and get a little tipsy in the process.

I make my way to the bathroom, stopping at my bedroom to take off the extra layers I put on to go outside. I ditch everything but my boxers. I grab a towel from the linen closet behind the bathroom door before shutting it.

This will be my first shower in the new place and I have no fucking clue how to turn the water on. It takes me a good five minutes to figure out how to turn the water on and get it hot enough for my liking. Scalding hell water is the only way to go, I want it to feel like my skin is turning into liquid and melting off me, spiraling the drain at my feet.

My dick starts getting the wrong idea as I wash myself, stiff and standing at attention. I wash around the base of the shaft, moving slower to savor the moment of touching myself. I want to wrap my hand around it and imagine it's Melanie's tight pussy or warm mouth. My eyes are closed tight and my hand rubs the soap up and down my length, making it slick enough that I can imagine it's her and not me doing this.

I rub my thumb across the slit at the tip, the sticky substance leaking from it mixing with the soap suds. It wouldn't take much to get the release I desperately need. I could be quick and quiet, she would never know that I shot my load down the drain while thinking of her body on mine.