Get mad at me and hurt me. Fuck me until I cry.
I raised my right hand. The correct one.
He took my wrist in his hand and began to wrap my wrist in the chord of the lights. I watched as he wrapped my wrist in the lights and slipped the cord through itself and pulled it tight. He took the loose end in his hand and tugged on it.
“Put your hand back on the roof,” he said.
I stared at my wrist as I put my hand back onto the roof. As my hand touched the shingles on the roof, he reached for the end of the Christmas light chord and pulled my arm tightly to the right.
He began stapling the cord to the wooden shingles.
“That should do it. Pull against the chord,” he said.
“You just stapled my hand to the roof,” I said as I turned and looked at him over my shoulder.
“No, Kelli. I stapled the chord to the roof. Not your hand, the chord. Pull on it,” he demanded as he smiled at me – obviously proud of his demented mind.
I pulled against the chord. It was no different than the night that he restrained and blindfolded me.
“Erik, we’re on the roof,” I said over my left shoulder.
“Damn, you have a good memory. Surprised you didn’t forget after that nap you took,” he said.
“Left hand, baby girl, raise it. This one is easy, it’s the only one you have left,” he laughed.
I raised my left hand. He bent over and picked up the remaining Christmas lights and doubled the chord over a few times, shaking the lights strand to make the lengths of cord even. He wrapped my hand in the chord, and slipped it through itself.
“Put it on the roof, baby girl,” he said, smiling.
I reached to the left, shaking my head.
“What?” he asked.
“You enjoy this too much,” I laughed.
“Shit, you’ve seen nothing yet, baby. You’re stuck with me now, and eventually…every night, you have to fall asleep. Wait and see what I do to and with you,” he laughed.
He pulled on the end of the cord until my arm was tight.
He started stapling again.
“Pull against it,” he demanded.
I pulled against the two cords.