Page 472 of S is for SEX

“You’ve been asleep for about forty-five minutes,” he said as he reached down to help me up.

“I was having a shitty dream,” I said.

“Why shitty?” he asked.

“Well, I was in a…” I paused and thought.

“Never mind, it was stupid,” I said.

“No, tell me. You’d be surprised what can be determined from someone’s dreams,” he said as he helped me to my feet.

There was a lot I would tell Erik, and very little I would ever keep from him, if anything. Something about telling a psychiatrist about my dreams, and that psychiatrist being my boyfriend didn’t make me totally comfortable.

“Oh, it was nothing,” I said.

“You sure?” he asked.

“Yeah, now that I am awake, I can’t really remember it” I said.

“Well, I have a few lights left, even after I put them over the entire roof,” he said.

I looked around the roof, and back toward Erik. I was still waking up. I felt like such an idiot for falling asleep.

“Baby girl, reach over there and put your hands on the roof. The one right in front of you, by the bedroom window,” Erik said as he set the staple gun down beside me.


“The roof, Kelli. Put your hands on it. Are you having problems with English again?” he asked.

“Uhhmm, no sir,” I responded as I leaned forward and placed my palms on the roof. Standing erect directly in front of the window, the roof was about chest high.

“Don’t move, I’ll be right back,” Erik said as he walked across the roof.

I stood with my hands on the roof above the window wondering what he was going to do. I blinked my eyes and looked around. That dream was just weird. He walked back toward me with a handful of Christmas lights in his hand.

I watched over my shoulder as he took out his knife and cut the Christmas light cord in two. He put the knife back in his pocket and secured the clip.

“Why did you cut the Christmas lights?” I asked, confused.

“I need two, and I only had one,” he responded, smiling.

I squinted and turned toward him.

“Hands on the fucking roof, Kelli. Face the window,” he demanded, pointing at the window by the bedroom roof.

I turned and faced the window, and placed my hands on either side of the roof in front of my chest.

I watched his reflection in the window as he took the Christmas lights and flipped one of the two lengths over his shoulder. He dropped the other string of lights onto the roof, holding onto one of the ends of the cord. He raised the cord up to his chest and grabbed the dangling length with his other hand. He stepped into me, pressing his chest to my back.

“Raise your right hand,” he said as he bent over and picked up the staple gun.

“Sir?” I asked as I turned toward him.

“Around Kelli, turn around. And raise your right hand. You remember which one that is?” he asked in his smart-ass voice.

I purposely raised my left hand. I love it when he talks to me like this. It makes me wet. I wondered what he was going to do. Maybe spank me with Christmas lights. I started to get wet thinking about it.

“Jesus, Kelli. I think that dream fucked you up good. Your other right hand. Good fucking God,” he complained.