Page 323 of S is for SEX

“Go get that duct tape off of the hook on the wall and come here,” I said as I pointed to the roll of tape hanging from the hook on the wall.

“The what?” she asked as she turned to face the wall.

“The tape. See that roll of grey tape on the wall?” I asked as I nodded toward the wall.

“Oh yeah. Duck tape,” she smiled.

I shook my head, “Yeah, the duck tape.”

“And what’s in the boxes over there?” I asked as I pointed to several boxes that were placed on a shelf over the hooks that hung on the wall.

“Uhhm. Well, holiday stuff. Christmas. Halloween…”

“What’s in the Halloween box?” I asked.

“Masks and decorations and stuff,” she responded as she pulled the duct tape from the hook on the wall.

“What kind of masks?” I gripped the handlebars of the bike, tilted my head toward the box, and stared curiously.

“Uhhm, I dunno. Let me see,” she said as she dropped the tape to the floor and pulled the box from the shelf.

Bent over, her hands pulled at the tape which sealed the top of the box. To me, it seemed natural to be in the garage naked. To any outsider who may happen upon us, I’m sure we’d look like a couple of freaks.

“Uhhm, a Richard Nixon mask, some plastic pumpkins, a Bill Clinton mask,” she paused and shuffled through the box.

“Uhhm a unicorn mask, and…” she said softly as she rummaged through the box.

“Unicorn mask?” I raised my eyebrows in wonder.

“Yep. Unicorn,” she said as she pulled the mask from the box.

A large rubber mask shaped like the head of a unicorn dangled from her clenched fist. I’d always wondered about the people who wore the furry suits and fucked each other. To me, they defined freakish behavior. Fucking a human sized furry rabbit or a dog would just be weird. As I thought of the furry suits, I began to doubt if I could stay hard while attempting to fuck a girl in a furry dog suit.

As I stared at the submissive Chuck wearing goofball, something about fucking someone in a mask kind began to appeal to me.

To me, the excitement would be more from not knowing who was under the mask than the mask itself. As I clearly knew who she was, it took away from some of the fun and excitement. Well, technically, I knew what she looked like. I still didn’t know her name or any specifics.

“I’ve always wanted to fuck someone in a mask. I just don’t know about fucking a Unicorn,” I shook my head and stared at her, uncertain if I wanted to attempt to fuck a horn wielding horse.

“Unicorns barf rainbows and poop gold dust. Well, they can poop rainbows or gold dust,” she said in a serious tone.

“They shit rainbows?” I asked dryly.

“Yep. Rainbows and gold dust,” she giggled.

“You know what they say, don’t you?” she asked as she lifted the mask over her shoulders.

“What’s that?” I shrugged.

“Always be yourself. Unless you can be a unicorn. Then always be a unicorn,” she laughed as she pulled the mask over her face.

“I don’t know if I can fuck a unicorn. But Bill Clinton will fuck anything - he proved it. Hand me the Bill Clinton mask, Bill will fuck a unicorn,” I laughed.

I did my best not to laugh as my submissive unicorn walked toward me with the rubber mask covering her face and neck as it resting on her shoulders. The twisted rubber horn rose from the forehead of the mask about two feet in the air in front of her as she approached.

“Hurs dah Brrl Clindon mfff,” her muffled voice barely escaped the mass of mystical rubber which hid her face.

I held the mask in front of me and stared at the distorted rubber face. It looked just like President Clinton, only rubber. I raised the mask to my head and chuckled, knowing I wasn’t the first person to wear a Bill Clinton mask and have a girl suck his cock. Certain there was a group of people somewhere with presidential fetishes, I stretched the mask over my head and stood up from the motorcycle seat.