Page 322 of S is for SEX

“I’m opening the God damned garage door, and letting some air in this motherfucker,” I coughed as I walked to the push-button pad on the wall beside the door leading into the house.

As she gasped for breath, I walked over, pressed the button, and rubbed my watering eyes. As the door slowly opened, a breeze rushed in. I inhaled the fresh air like a fish gulping floating food at the top of an aquarium. As the exhaust began to filter out of the garage, I walked over to the motorcycle and turned off the engine. When it stopped running, she turned and looked my direction as she sat up on the seat.

I raised my index finger in the air and waved it back and forth.

I’m dominant, bitch don’t question me.

Almost immediately, she lowered her head and shamefully looked down at the garage floor.

“Listen to me, you little slut. Stand up,” I demanded.

“But I’m naked and the door is open,” she said as she crossed her arms over her chest.

“Do I look fucking stupid? They might be overcome by exhaust fumes, but I have fucking eyes. I know you’re naked, I can see you. Get the fuck up and don’t make me ask again, you slut,” I snapped as I rubbed the tears from my eyes.

“What do you want me to…” she asked.

“I want you to God damned pay attention,” I coughed into my hand as I scowled her direction.

Standing in the garage stark naked, the wind felt good against my skin. I looked down at my Chuck’s and realized I hadn’t made it to the mall to get my new pair. As I raised my gaze to her, she was sitting on the motorcycle as if she were riding it, staring at the front of the garage.

“Do you have a pair of Chuck’s?” I asked.

“What?” she responded slowly.

“Do you have a pair of God damned Chuck’s?” the attempt to be dominant was thwarted by my laughter and a little coughing.

“Now you’ve got me choked up, God damn it. Do you have…” I tried to stop laughing.

“Yes, yes I do. I’m sorry sir, I didn’t fully understand you,” she responded.

“Well, go get them on,” I demanded.

“Is that all? Chuck’s?” she asked.

“Well, I didn’t tell you to get anything else, did I?” I howled.

“No sir,” she responded as she got off the motorcycle.

“Come here,” I shook my head in exaggerated frustration and rolled my eyes.

“Kneel,” I said as I pointed at my feet.

As if she did this type of thing on a daily basis, she gracefully walked in front of me, dropped to her knees, looked up into my eyes and blinked. I looked down at her face and shook my head.

“Open,” I muttered as I rolled my eyes and shook my cock in my hand.

Her mouth dropped open, and I immediately slapped her across the lips with the head of my cock. Saliva flew from her mouth across the garage floor. The instant she recovered from the cock-slap, I forced my length into her mouth and down her throat. As soon as my balls were against her chin, I pulled my cock from her mouth.

“I’m not even going to let you suck my cock. Get up, go get your shoes on, and get back out here. Understand?” I asked.

“Yes sir,” she responded as she stood.

She walked barefoot across the floor and up the steps into the house. Her tight little ass shook as she walked. I realized as the door closed I had no idea what her name was or how old she was. At this point in time I guess it didn’t matter. For now, she’d be my little fiery brunette. I had not been in a sexual role as a Dom nor had I been with a submissive female as a sexual partner - at least not that I was aware of.

As she stepped into the garage, my eyes immediately widened. Thin, great legs, nice perky tits, and completely naked - less the Chuck’s she was wearing, she was a huge fucking turn on. I turned and looked out the garage door into the driveway. Her car was parked in the driveway, close to the door. Although not completely, it partially blocked the view to the garage. The house faced east, and as it was afternoon, the sun wasn’t shining directly into the garage. As I turned to face her, she was standing directly in front of me - no doubt waiting for instructions.

I looked around the fairly empty garage for anything to make the experience a little better than just a typical sexual romp. I glanced at my fiery brunette and smiled. As if it were planned, I walked to the side of the motorcycle, stepped over it, and sat in the seat.